Meat Wolf hunting

it rare wolves hunted food, though historically, people have resorted consuming wolf flesh in times of scarcity, or medicinal reasons.

most native american tribes, naskapis, viewed wolf flesh edible inadequate nutrition, not herbivore , did not possess same healing qualities thought distinct in plant eaters. mountain people of japan once ate wolf meat in order boost courage, though commented meat tough. mountain dwelling wolves known yomainu considered poisonous. derboun of arabian mountains , southern syria small black wolf apparently considered arabs more closely related dogs, freely ate flesh other game, unlike regular wolves had unpleasant odour. during european colonization of western america, wolf meat considered not eatable , though fair game hungry man. however, martin schmitt argued references consumption of wolf meat @ time may have been on coyotes. during vilhjalmur stefansson s arctic expedition in 1913, george h. wilkins sampled cooked wolf meat , commented fine eating , noted resemblance chicken. according maneka gandhi, wolf meat major source of trichinellosis. wolf meat considered haram under islamic dietary laws (sahih muslim, no: 1934)

in 1868 issue of sant paul s magazine, anthony trollope gave account on palatability of wolf flesh, , how used subject of practical jokes among french hunters.

flesh of wolf may taken rankest carrion in creation, not excepting of common vulture , turkey-buzzard. yet in reality less fact imagination. m. charles gauthey, well-known sportsman in cote-d or, relates landlord of country inn, himself sportsman, , wishing play brethren confraternal trick—or called in french, leur jouer un tour de chasseur, —had piece of wolf s flesh cut small square morsels, , stewed veal , mutton cut pieces of different shape. landlord helped ragout himself, , being careful serve each guest 1 of square morsels, enabled inform them after dinner had been eating wolf. 2 of guests thereupon seized horror, , 1 such degree compelled retire table precipitation. others took joke in part, , 1 , declared had detected nothing in dish excite suspicion in least degree.

wolf meat eaten several times during vilhjalmur stefansson s 1913 arctic expedition, particularly during summer, when wolves fat. natives in transbaikalia reportedly ate wolf meat when other food plentiful. consumption of wolf flesh , organs plays important role in asian folk medicine: in mongolia, eating meat , lungs of wolf said alleviate colds, , sprinkling food powdered wolf rectum said cure haemorroids. japanese mountain people ate wolf meat give them courage. accounts on how wolf meat tastes vary greatly, descriptions ranging tough , gristly , distasteful , smelly , [resembling] chicken , , superior lean venison .


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