Horse warfare in national contexts Horses in East Asian warfare

1 horse warfare in national contexts

1.1 burma
1.2 china
1.3 japan
1.4 korea
1.5 mongolia
1.6 vietnam

horse warfare in national contexts

burmese horses smaller chinese breed, more adept @ jumping. attempts made during british raj breed burmese horses arabian stock, hoping develop indo-burman horse breed might better suited varying conditions of indian subcontinent.


ceramic statues of prancing horse (foreground) , cavalryman on horseback (background), eastern han dynasty (25-220 ad)

a sancai lead-glazed earthenware horse statue saddle, tang dynasty (618-907 ad)

there horse-driven chariots of shang (c. 1600 - c. 1050 bc) , zhou (c. 1050 - 256 bc) periods, horseback riding in china, according david andrew graff, not seen in warfare prior 4th century bc.

king wuling of zhao (340 bce-295 bce), after realizing advantages of light cavalry warfare on of heavy , cumbersome chariots, instituted reforms known 胡服骑射 (wearing of hu-nomadic people s attire, , shooting arrows horseback), increased combat-effectiveness of army of zhao.

although mounted archers represented initial tactical advantage on chinese armies, chinese learned adapt. conservative forces opposed change, affected proportional balance amongst cavalrymen, horse-drawn chariots , infantrymen in chinese armies.

the benefits of using horses light cavalry against chariots in warfare understood when chinese confronted incursions nomadic tribes of steppes.

feeding horses significant problem;and many people driven land imperial horses have adequate pastures. climate , fodder south of yangtze river unfit horses raised on grasslands of western steppes. chinese army lacked sufficient number of quality horses. importation remedy potential suppliers steppe-nomads. strategic factor considered essential in warfare controlled exclusively merchant-traders of enemies.

the chinese used chariots horse-based warfare until light cavalry forces became common during warring states era (402-221 bc); , speedy cavalry accounted in part success of qin dynasty (221 bce–206 bce).

the chinese warhorses cultivated vast herds roaming free on grassy plains of northeastern china , mongolian plateau. hardy central asian horses short-legged barrel chests. speed not anticipated configuration, strength , endurance characteristic features.

during han dynasty (206 bc–220 ad), records tell of chinese expedition fergana (in present-day uzbekistan) , superior horses acquired. horses acquired military use , breeding.

horses foundation of military power, great resources of state but, should falter, state fall

-- ma yuan (14bc - 49ad), han general , horse expert.

during jin dynasty (265–420), records of thousands of armored horses illustrate development of warfare in period.

the map of asia in 800 shows tang china in relation neighbors, including uighur empire of mongolia.

horses , skilled horsemen in short supply in agrarian china, , cavalry distinct minority in sui dynasty (581–618) , tang dynasty (618–907) armies. imperial herds numbered 325,700 horses in 794

the song (960–1279) through ming dynasty (1368–1644) armies relied on officially supervised tea-for-horse trading systems evolved on centuries.

tea , horses inextricably related officials repeatedly requested tea laws , horse administration supervised same man. perspective of chinese court, government control of tea first step in creation of rational , effective policy aimed @ improving quality of horses in army.

in late ming dynasty, marked inferiority of chinese horses noted jesuit missionary , ambassador matteo ricci (1552–1610), observed:

[the chinese] have countless horses in service of army, these degenerate , lacking in martial spirit put rout neighing of tartars steed , practically useless in battle.


most japanese horses descended chinese , korean imports, , there cross-breeding indigenous horses had existed in japan since stone age. although records of horses in japan found far jōmon period, played little or no role in japanese agriculture or military conflicts until horses continent introduced in 4th century. kojiki , nihon shoki mention horses in battle.

amongst imperial aristocracy, renowned horsemanship. cavalry, not infantry, proved decisive in jinshin war of 672-73, in fujiwara no hirotsugu s rebellion in 740 , in revolt of fujiwara no nakamaro in 756.

samurai fought cavalry many centuries, , horses used both draft animals , war. increasingly elaborate decorations on harnesses , saddles of samurai suggests value accorded these war horses.

yabusame archers, edo period

the samurai particularly skilled in art of using archery horseback. used methods of training such yabusame, originated in 530 ad , reached peak under minamoto yoritomo (1147–1199 ad) in kamakura period. conventions of warfare in japan switched emphasis on mounted bowmen mounted spearmen during sengoku period (1467–1615 ad).

amongst samurai, tokugawa ieyasu (1543–1616) known excellent horseman, forms foundation of anecdote shogun s character. 1 day , troops had cross narrow bridge on raging river. wondering how ride on dangerous bridge. ieyasu dismounted, led horse on bridge other side, , re-mounted steed. @ nikko, burial place of horse ridden ieyasu tokugawa in battle of sekigahara marked inscribed stone.

in pre-meiji japan, horses considered in context of warfare , transportation of cargo. general rule non-samurai , women did not ride in saddle reserved samurai warriors, however, tomoe gozen exception general rule appearance of women , non-samurai on horseback in meiji period prints represented innovative development.

since 1958, statue of horse @ yasukuni shrine has acknowledged equine contributions in japanese military actions; , opened, full bottles of water left @ statues. other public memorials in other locations in japan commemorate horses in japanese warfare, e.g., nogi shrine in kyoto.


this silla horse rider pottery among national treasures of korea

the korean horse smallest of east asian breeds, breed strong noteworthy stamina in terms of size.

the earliest horse warfare of korea recorded during ancient korean kingdom gojoseon. influence of northern nomadic peoples , yemaek peoples on korean warfare dates 3rd century bc. 1st century bc, ancient kingdom of buyeo had mounted warriors. cavalry of goguryeo, 1 of 3 kingdoms of korea, called gaemamusa (개마무사, 鎧馬武士). king gwanggaeto great led expeditions baekje, gaya confederacy, buyeo , against japanese pirates cavalry.

in 12th century, jurchen tribes began violate goryeo-jurchen borders, , invaded goryeo. after experiencing invasion jurchen, korean general yun gwan realized goryeo lacked efficient cavalry units. reorganized goryeo military professional army contain decent , well-trained cavalry units. in 1107, jurchen defeated, , surrendered yun gwan. mark victory, general yun built 9 fortresses northeast of goryeo-jurchen borders (동북 9성, 東北 九城).


the warhorses (cerigyn nojan) of mongols called celestial horses chinese. wars of genghis khan mounted campaigns; , mongol horses better cared horses of enemies. these horses well-protected , equipped, including lamellar armour 5 parts safeguard specific parts of horse.

by 1225 genghis khan s empire stretched caspian sea , northern china; , horses grew highly prized throughout asia. mongolian horses known hardiness, endurance , stamina. descendants of genghis khan s horses remain in great number in mongolia.

the limited pasture lands in eastern europe affected westward movement of mongolian mounted forces.

during world war ii, many mongolian horses sent soviet union.


vietnamese clay figurine 10th century. ho chi minh city museum of national history.

although legend of thánh gióng dating far văn lang era mentions war horses, written versions of legend date 12th , 13th centuries, cannot serve reliable source mounted warfare in vietnam. earliest physical evidences of domestic horses has been found in bronze figurines excavated han , tang dynasty burials 2nd 10th centuries when annam under chinese rule.

following end of chinese domination, native dynasties of vietnam continued employ mounted archery counter chinese , champa cavalry. need create non-regular trained , equipped combat force urged lý dynasty open xạ Đình (shooting range) in capital in 1070, members of nobility expected attend , train diligently in art of mounted archery. during reign of lê thánh tông, among 66 ty of household guard, there 7 ty of crossbowmen, arbalestiers , mounted archers. ty unit of 100 troops. among 51 vệ of capital troop, there 1 horse archer vệ , 4 cavalry vệ . vệ comprised 2000 soldiers.

armored horses mentioned few times in army of prince trịnh tùng. prince once commanded 4 hundred armored cavalry repel larger mạc force. in 1592 again assaulted northwest gate of Đông kinh-the capital of mạc foe 5000 elite troops rode on bull elephants , armored steeds.

the rival of trịnh clan in south nguyễn clan based in new frontier limited resources , scarce manpower. able maintain standoff larger , wealthier foe, nguyễn needed every able-bodied man in disposal armed , learned in martial practices. in 1663, nguyễn phúc tần decreed of civilian officials hone archery on horseback. in 1679 constructed new road connect vạn xuân shooting range , thanh lệ station, , erected 2 hippodromes.

well modern era, mounted warriors still trained sword, lance , bows , arrows had 700 years previously. 18th century historian , geographer lê qúy Đôn wrote in national examination established since 1724, cavalrymen required shoot 3 arrows @ targets 100 feet (30 m) away @ gallop. however, firearms introduced, transition cold weapons gunpowder warfare in cavalry branch swift , thorough. lê noted in lifetime, mounted archery no longer practiced. instead horsemen trained shoot targets carbine on horseback while galloping @ full speed. not known why cavalry branch uninterested in taking firearms sooner, though guns , rifles had been common scene in infantry , marine divisions since late 16th century. perhaps shooting on horseback made possible advent of flintlock mechanism in 18th century.

in 19th century, cavalry relegated status of ceremonial troops , messengers. mounted warfare absent in conflicts wars cambodia , siam french invasions.


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