Use by the Chicano movement Aztlán

the unofficial flag of aztlán, used chicano nationalists in san diego , denver during chicano movement

territories considered aztlán

the concept of aztlán place of origin of pre-columbian mexican civilization has become symbol various mexican nationalist , indigenous movements.

the name aztlán first taken group of chicano independence activists led oscar zeta acosta during chicano movement of 1960s , 1970s. used name aztlán refer lands of northern mexico annexed united states result of mexican–american war. aztlán became symbol mestizo activists believe have legal , primordial right land. in order exercise right, members of chicano movement propose new nation created, república del norte.

aztlán name of chicano studies journal published out of ucla chicano studies research center.

movements use or formerly used concept of aztlán

la raza unida
brown berets
mecha (movimiento estudiantil chicano de aztlán, chicano student movement of aztlán )
nation of aztlán
plan espiritual de aztlán
marx-engels-lenin institute (u.s.), demands self-determination indigenous nations of countries, immediate granting of self-determination of internally colonized nations of us, , including secession.
freedom road socialist organization, calls self-determination chicano nation in aztlan , including right secession.

charles truxillo

a prominent advocate of aztlán professor charles truxillo formerly of university of new mexico (unm), envisioned sovereign hispanic nation called república del norte (republic of north) encompass northern mexico, baja california, california, arizona, new mexico, texas , southern colorado.

truxillo stated did not terms hispanic or latino , saying racist, stating american society meant conquer , divide, , preferred norteño or indio-hispano (literally indian-hispanic, term used reies tijerina, man whom truxillo admired).

truxillo, taught @ unm s chicano studies program on yearly contract, stated in interview native-born american hispanics feel strangers in own land. remain subordinated. have negative image of our own culture, created media. self-loathing terrible form of oppression. long history of oppression , subordination has end” , along both sides of u.s.-mexico border “there growing fusion, reviving of connections.... southwest chicanos , norteño mexicanos becoming 1 people again.” truxillo stated hispanics have achieved positions of power or otherwise “enjoying benefits of assimilation” oppose new nation, explaining “there negative reaction, tortured response of thinks, give me break. want go wal-mart. idea seep consciousness, , cause internal crisis, pain of conscience, internal dialogue ask themselves: in system?” truxillo believed república del norte brought existence means necessary unlikely formed civil war rather electoral pressure of future majority hispanic population in region. truxillo added believed job develop “cadre of intellectuals” think how new state can become reality.

in 2007, unm reportedly decided stop renewing truxillo s yearly contract. truxillo claimed firing due radical beliefs, arguing few in favor of chicano professor advocating chicano nation state.


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