Nuclear safety Nuclear reactor accidents in the United States

a clean-up crew working remove radioactive contamination after 3 mile island accident.

nuclear safety in u.s. governed federal regulations issued nuclear regulatory commission (nrc). nrc regulates nuclear plants , materials in u.s. except of nuclear plants , materials controlled u.s. government, powering naval vessels.

the 1979 3 mile island accident pivotal event led questions u.s. nuclear safety. earlier events had similar effect, including 1975 fire @ browns ferry, 1976 testimonials of 3 concerned ge nuclear engineers, ge three. in 1981, workers inadvertently reversed pipe restraints @ diablo canyon power plant reactors, compromising seismic protection systems, further undermined confidence in nuclear safety. of these well-publicised events undermined public support u.s. nuclear industry in 1970s , 1980s.

recent concerns have been expressed safety of nuclear reactors. in 2012, union of concerned scientists, tracks ongoing safety issues @ operating nuclear plants, found leakage of radioactive materials pervasive problem @ 90 percent of reactors, issues pose risk of nuclear accidents .

following japanese fukushima daiichi nuclear disaster, according black & veatch’s annual utility survey took place after disaster, of 700 executives electric utility industry surveyed, nuclear safety top concern. there increased requirements on-site spent fuel management , elevated design basis threats @ nuclear power plants. license extensions existing reactors face additional scrutiny, outcomes depending on degree plants can meet new requirements, , of extensions granted more 60 of 104 operating u.s. reactors revisited. on-site storage, consolidated long-term storage, , geological disposal of spent fuel reevaluated in new light because of fukushima storage pool experience .

in october 2011, nuclear regulatory commission instructed agency staff move forward 7 of 12 safety recommendations put forward federal task force in july. recommendations include new standards aimed @ strengthening operators’ ability deal complete loss of power, ensuring plants can withstand floods , earthquakes , improving emergency response capabilities . new safety standards take 5 years implement.


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