Imperial regalia Coronation of the Russian monarch

1 imperial regalia

1.1 sovereign s crown
1.2 silk imperial crown
1.3 consort s crown
1.4 sceptre , orb
1.5 banner of state

imperial regalia

russian regalia

as in european monarchies, tsars of russia retained sizable collection of imperial regalia, of used in coronation ceremonies. important items included:

the sovereign s crown

russian rulers dmitri donskoi peter great utilized cap of monomakh, fourteenth-century gold filigree cap sable trimming, adorned pearls , other precious stones. although russian legend held had been given vladimir monomakh byzantine emperor constantine ix, more modern scholarship assigns asian origin diadem.

with accession of peter great emperor of russia in 1721, undertook programme of westernizing various aspects of russian society. in line this, regalia became influenced western-style. replaced monomakh s diadem 1 modelled on private crowns of holy roman emperors, of imperial crown of austria 1 example. peter s wife, succeeded him catherine i, first wear type of diadem. coronation of catherine great (catherine ii) in 1762, court jewelers ekhart , jérémie pauzié decided create new crown, known great imperial crown, used style of mitre divided 2 half-spheres central arch between them topped diamonds , 398.72-carat red spinel china. crown produced in record 2 months , weighted 2.3 kg. crown used in coronations paul nicholas ii—although latter tried (but failed) replace monomakh s crown ceremony. survived subsequent revolution, , considered 1 of main treasures of romanov dynasty, on display in kremlin armoury museum in moscow.

the silk imperial crown

the silk imperial crown of russia official coronation gift of russian empire @ coronation of nicholas ii , last emperor of romanov line. nicholas ii first , monarch presented such monumental coronation gift. not intended ceremonial regalia, private imperial property memento coronation event.

silk imperial crown of russia 1896 coronation gift nicholas ii

the consort s crown

a smaller crown, virtually identical in appearance , workmanship great imperial crown, manufactured crowning of tsar s consort. encrusted diamonds, , first used tsaritsa maria fedorovna, wife of paul i, being last used @ coronation of nicholas ii dowager empress maria feodorovna. identical new consort crown made alexandra feodorovna. reason already-crowned dowager empress outranked new empress consort @ russian court. consort crown referred smaller imperial crown , differentiate tsar s great imperial crown.

sceptre , orb

the imperial sceptre manufactured during reign of catherine great, , comprised burnished shaft of 3 sections containing 8 rings of brilliant-cut diamonds , topped orlov diamond surmounted double-headed eagle coat of arms of russia @ center.

the orb manufactured in 1762 catherine ii s coronation, , consisted of polished hollow ball made red gold encircled 2 rows of diamonds , surmounted large sapphire topped cross.

the banner of state

each tsar had banner of state manufactured coronation , reign. banner blessed on eve of coronation, in kremlin armoury, , present @ crowning next day, @ significant events during reign thereafter.


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