History University of Turin

1 history

1.1 overview
1.2 years (1404–1566)
1.3 instability , reform victor amadeus ii (1566–1739)
1.4 french domination (1739–1817)
1.5 age of victor emmanuel (1817–1832)
1.6 charles albert years (1832–1864)
1.7 brief decline , revival in academic research (1864–1905)
1.8 20th century , beyond


the university of turin founded studium in 1404, under initiative of prince ludovico di savoia. 1427 1436 seat of university transferred chieri , savigliano. closed in 1536, , reestablished duke emmanuel philibert thirty years later. started gain modern shape following model of university of bologna, although significant development did not occur until reforms made victor amadeus ii, created collegio delle province students not natives of turin.

with reforms carried out victor amadeus ii, university of turin became new reference model many other universities. during 18th century, university faced enormous growth in faculty , endowment size, becoming point of reference of italian positivism. notable scholars of period include cesare lombroso, carlo forlanini , arturo graf.

in 20th century, university of turin 1 of centers of italian anti-fascism. after post-war period, increase in number of students , improvement of campus structure imposing, although losing of importance until new wave of investments carried out in end of century. new impulse performed in collaboration other national , international research centers, local organizations , italian minister of public instruction.

by end of 1990s, local campuses of alessandria, novara , vercelli became autonomous units under new university of eastern piedmont.

early years (1404–1566)

in beginning of 15th century, instability in lombard region caused political , military crisis, coupled untimely death of gian galeazzo visconti, induced teaching staff of universities of pavia , piacenza propose ludovico di savoia-acaia creation of new studium generale.

choice of location fell on turin number of reasons: first @ crossroads between alps, liguria , lombardy; episcopal seat , in addition savoy prince willing establish university on own land, in other parts of italy. in autumn 1404, bull issued benedict xiii, avignon pope, marked actual birth of centre of higher learning, formally ratified in 1412 emperor sigmund s certification , subsequently, in 1413, bull issued antipope john xxiii, pisan pope, , issued in 1419 martin v, pope of rome, , series of papal privileges. new institution, held courses in civil , canon law, authorized confer both academic licentia , doctoratus titles later became single laurea (degree) title. bishop, rector of studies, proclaimed , conferred title on new doctors.

the decades marked discontinuity, due epidemics , crises plagued region between 1420s , 1430s following annexation of piedmont territories duchy of savoy , difficult relations between university , local public administration. after series of interruptions in activities, university moved chieri (between 1427 , 1434) , later, in 1434, savigliano.

in 1436, when institution returned turin, ludovico di savoia, succeeded amedeo viii, introduced new order of studies whereby government gained greater control on university. ducal licenses of 6 october 1436 set 3 faculties of theology, arts , medicine, , law, , twenty-five lectureships or chairs. growth , development of role of turin subalpine capital led consolidation of university , stability lasted hundred years.

from 1443 university housed in modest building purchased , refurbished city purpose on corner of via doragrossa (now via garibaldi) , via dello studio (today s via san francesco d assisi) directly behind town hall, until opening of university premises in via po, in 1720. study, closed @ beginning of 1536 french occupation, reopened in 1558 lecturers @ mondovì; re-established in turin in 1566.

the minerva statue in front of rectorate palace @ university of turin.

instability , reform victor amadeus ii (1566–1739)

with emmanuel philibert , charles emmanuel i, university enjoyed season of great prosperity due presence of illustrious teachers , sizeable , culturally motivated student body. however, lengthy period of decline set in around second half of 17th century because of plagues, famines , continual wars: courses irregular or temporarily suspended, number of chairs reduced, , temporarily vacant, necessary resort private instruction.

the opening of new premises marked major turning point in history of greatest piedmontese educational institution. inauguration building in via po, close piazza castello, , seats of power , other educational institutions of city, coincided academic year 1720–1721, first year of reform of university studies passed victor amadeus ii in context of radical renewal @ levels of public administration , education.

victor amadeus ii convinced efficient university controlled directly state way form faithful , well-trained ruling class support him in process of modernizing nation. while war of spanish succession still being fought, duke had entrusted officials gather information concerning structure of major italian , foreign universities, , charged sicilian jurist francesco d aguirre task of drawing reorganization project.

among notable innovations of reform enacted victor amadeus opening of collegio delle province (halls of residence provinces), housed 1 hundred young people of low social extraction aid them in completing studies @ state s expenses, , establishment of chair of eloquenza italiana (italian rhetoric) alongside of latin. had noteworthy effect on cultural linguistic models of duchy. @ time, piedmontese studium became point of reference university reforms @ parma , modena , subsequently model universities in cagliari , sassari.

french domination (1739–1817)

charles emmanuel iii continued policy of innovation , consolidation begun victor amadeus ii , created university museum in 1739. however, in last decades of 18th century, course of events @ university, closely connected international developments, led great urban unrest , loss of state prestige. revolt of university students in 1791 joined artisans stormed collegio delle province in 1792 causing numerous victims, clear instance of conflict.

the university , collegio closed in autumn of same year when war broke out against revolutionary france. in january 1799, provisional piedmontese government reopened university under control of comité d instruction publique (committee public instruction). in summer 1800, second provisional government transformed university national university , replaced faculties 8 special schools, based on existing pattern: chemistry , rural economy, surgery, drawing , fine arts, legislation, medicine, physical , mathematical sciences, literature , veterinary medicine. 2 years later, literature abolished, medicine , surgery merged , many chairs suppressed financial reasons.

another milestone in turin university system introduction of new imperial order, since piedmont had become french department; involved personal appointment napoleon of rector head each university. because of size, number of chairs, teaching staff , students piedmontese university became second largest in empire after paris.

a famous student of age joseph-louis lagrange.

age of victor emmanuel (1817–1832)

the revolt of students of turin university, 1821

with fall of napoleon, victor emmanuel brought former legislation of savoy regime. innovations in following years involved establishment of chair of political economy in faculty of law in 1817, opening of veterinary school @ venaria in 1818, , new procedure appointment of rector academic staff of each faculty, proposed sovereign list of names of retired or teaching professors.

the uprisings in 1821 supported students in turin extent collegio delle province had closed , university operated limited degree. prevent student assemblies in capital, ordered students did not come provinces of turin, pinerolo , susa continue education in place of residence, coaches went supervise progress of studies , conduct so-called private examinations. in period participation in appointment of rector restricted: president of magistrature submitted names of 5 candidates king, chosen among teaching staff of surgery, medicine, sciences, law, literature , theology without involvement of professors.

the charles albert years (1832–1864)

charles albert s opening moderate liberalism , international outlook had positive effects on university, too: development of institutions , foundation of others, in addition appointment of illustrious scholars such french augustin cauchy teach sublime physics , dalmatian pier alessandro paravia chair of italian rhetoric.

in 1832 institute of forensic medicine set up, in 1837 specialization course in obstetrics introduced , new theatre , museum of anatomy opened @ san giovanni battista hospital bring materials stored @ university , collected since 1818 @ museum of pathological anatomy. in 1842 collegio delle province reopened , students gradually resumed attending courses, better organized increased number of chairs. upper school of methods , chair of military history of italy (1846)—which became chair of modern history—were set up. chair of political economy revived.

the new order of 1850 redesigned medicine , surgery course give scope clinical experience , practice in hospitals , laid foundations school of pharmacology, later became faculty.

brief decline , revival in academic research (1864–1905)

cultural life involving intellectuals , exiles, journalists , politicians lively inside , outside university until capital moved florence: decline commenced when members of teaching staff called government duties or state management. circles gravitated around court thinned , city dropped 220,000 inhabitants less 190,000.

however, university managed find new life among science faculties , staff: in fact, in 1864, filippo de filippi, professor of zoology in science faculty, held first lecture in italy on theories of charles darwin. @ death, in 1867, michele lessona succeeded chair , became director of museum of zoology, dean of faculty of sciences and, finally, rector 1877 1880.

botanic gardens.

thanks giulio bizzozero, founded laboratory of general pathology (1873) , contributed largely spread of microscope in addition discovering blood platelets, medicine in turin branched out field of social medicine meet health , sanitary needs of population, in particular regard infectious diseases , infant mortality.

the political activities of luigi pagliani, professor of hygiene , founder in 1878 of hygiene society, @ basis of strategies of public health in italy, while discoveries made edoardo bellarmino perroncito, first hold chair of parasitology in italy (1879), saved lives of thousands of miners on europe.

in 1876, cesare lombroso set institute of forensic medicine; in 1884 carlo forlanini tried out first artificial lung in turin.

in 1887 botanical institute , gardens started systematic collection of plants present in piedmont region; in 1878 university consortium constituted municipality, province of turin , of neighbouring provinces in order preserve prestige of university of turin 1 of primary centres of university studies [in italy , europe].

museum of human anatomy.

at turn of century of science institutes moved valentino area , vacated old buildings in via cavour , via po. teaching , research activities of physics, chemistry, pharmacology, physiology, general pathology, human anatomy, pathological anatomy , forensic medicine relocated purpose-built facilities. significant results reached in following years both in scientific research , in organization of teaching.

in 1893 foundation of laboratory of political economy connected university , industrial museum marked further feat beyond scientific sphere.

in humanities, arturo graf, european turinese , deserves special mention.

20th century , beyond

faculty of economics.

the 20th century saw institution of first italian chair of psychology, held friedrich kiesow in 1905, foundation of institute of history of mediaeval , modern art in 1907 , of archaeology in 1908. in 1906 regia scuola superiore di studi applicati al commercio (the royal school of applied studies in commerce) commenced courses. in 1935, nucleus became fledged faculty of economics, faculty of agriculture.

at turn of century, branch of university formed first nucleus of polytechnic under guidance of galileo ferraris. in same period giuseppe peano taught @ faculty of sciences.

last century, letters faculty claim staff such umberto eco, luigi pareyson, nicola abbagnano, massimo mila, lionello venturi , franco venturi. luigi einaudi , norberto bobbio taught in law faculty. gentile reform of 1923 officially recognized 21 universities in italy; turin included among 10 state universities directly managed , funded state independent regards administration , teaching, far law allowed, , supervised national education ministry.

in 1930s, giuseppe levi trained salvador luria, renato dulbecco , rita levi-montalcini, each of whom went on win nobel prize in medicine or physiology (after emigrating united states). in february 2014 expertscape recognized university #4 in world (#1 in europe) expertise in multiple myeloma.

many of protagonists of italian political , social life in 20th century, such antonio gramsci , piero gobetti, palmiro togliatti , massimo bontempelli, graduated turin university. rich variety of subjects, university of turin has maintained characteristic cultural imprint made of rigour , independence in teaching, , spirit of service , openness european culture.

in recent years, research workers, both in humanities , in natural sciences, have turned attention nations in southern hemisphere. furthermore, departments involved in integrated research , co-operation in line eu universities , universities in developing countries.

the school of management , economics prestigious in country.


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