Archaeology Nephites

the foundation ancient research , mormon studies (farms), part of brigham young university, has performed extensive archaeological research in area, , publications on subject , other historical topics issued regularly farms organization. research disputed many researchers, including michael coe, scholar in pre-columbian mesoamerican history, smithsonian institution , others.

in 1973, michael coe addressed issue in article dialogue: journal of mormon thought stating:

mormon archaeologists on years have unanimously accepted book of mormon accurate, historical account of new world peoples... let me state uncategorically far know there not 1 professionally trained archaeologist, not mormon, sees scientific justification believing foregoing true, , state there quite few mormon archaeologists join group...

the bare facts of matter nothing, absolutely nothing, has shown in new world excavation suggest dispassionate observer book of mormon, claimed joseph smith, historical document relating history of migrants our hemisphere.

in 1996, smithsonian institution issued statement addressing claims made in book of mormon, stating text religious text , archeologists affiliated institution found no direct connection between archeology of new world , subject matter of book . statement further says there genetic evidence native american indians closely related peoples of asia, , archaeological evidence indicates native americans migrated asia on land bridge on bering strait in prehistoric times. statement said there no credible evidence of contact between ancient egyptian or hebrew peoples , new world, indicated text of book of mormon. statement issued in response reports name of smithsonian institution being improperly used lend credibility claims of looking support events of book of mormon.


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