1998 nuclear tests Nawaz Sharif

the executive authorisation of pakistan s nuclear testing programme important turning point in political career bring image world prominence.

in first term, sharif funded pakistan s nuclear, missile , space programme, allotted funds science research, particularly extension defence. in may 1998, after indian nuclear tests, sharif vowed country give suitable reply indians. on 14 may, leader of opposition benazir bhutto , mqm publicly called nuclear tests , public calls nuclear test began take place in pakistan. when india tested nuclear weapons second time, caused great alarm in pakistan , pressure mounted build on prime minister. on 15 may 1998, sharif called , chaired national security council meeting in prime minister secretariat. pakistan armed forces left matter elected prime minister, though prime minister sharif put pakistan armed forces on high-alert. discussions went on few hours , encompassed financial, diplomatic, military, strategic , national security concerns. @ sensitive meeting, has had 2 important agendas; first, whether or not pakistan should conduct nuclear tests respond indian nuclear aggression. and, secondly, if nuclear testing program go ahead of government science organisations— pakistan atomic energy commission or kahuta research laboratories— conduct nuclear testing leading nuclear testing program.

sheikh rasheed , raja zafarul haq, first people propose tests, while, sartaj aziz treasure minister time, person in meeting opposed tests on financial grounds due economic recession, low foreign exchange reserves of country , effect of inevitable economic sanctions imposed on pakistan if carried out tests. when comes voting, prime minister did not oppose or propose tests. remainder spoke in favour of conducting tests.

nuclear physicist dr. ishfaq ahmad of pakistan atomic energy commission (paec) , metallurgical engineer dr. abdul qadeer khan of kahuta research laboratories equally presented point of views, , approached permission prime minister. meeting concluded without resolution of 2 agenda points. on 16 may, senior scientist dr. abdul qadeer khan had briefed prime minister on key weapon-grade explosives issues , briefed on latest situation on pakistan s different weapon-testing laboratories @ time. on morning of 17 may 1998, sharif summoned dr. ishfaq ahmad , asked him opinion on 2 points discussed on 15 may. ahmed told prime minister decision test or not test of government of pakistan. dr. ahmad acknowledged paec ready capability of carrying out tests. sharif concluded eyes of world focused on pakistan , failure conduct tests put credibility of pakistan s nuclear deterrence programme in doubt. dr. ahmad said, conducting nuclear test highly political decision, , no matter wish of scientific community may be, political leadership of country have say.... mr. prime minister, take [decision], give [g]uarantee of success. initially, prime minister waited see world reaction on india s nuclear tests, while observing embargo placed on indian economy, had no placed no effects. prime minister sharif, @ first, hesitant towards nuclear test program , economical turn out if tests ordered. few days after indian tests, indian home minister lal kishanchand advani , defence minister george fernandes issued foolish taunts , threatening statements towards pakistan, angered prime minister.

on 18 may, prime minister sharif ordered paec make preparation tests, remain on stand-by final decision. in own words, sharif called dr. ishfaq ahmad , ordered him, conduct explosion! . simultaneously, sharif s ordered, xii corps, southern naval command, national logistics cell, , no. 6 squadron globe trotters put on high-alert provide necessary support paec in regard. on 21 may, sharif issued orders conduct nuclear tests suitable reply india, , authorised nuclear weapon testing program same day. boeing-737 airline pakistan international airlines readily made available paec scientists, engineers, , technicians balochistan.

dr. abdul qadeer khan , scientists , engineers krl told stay alert , sent balochistan along paec. on morning of 27 may 1998, isi spotted camouflage f-16s spotted conducting exercises; isi got word israeli fighters, flying on behalf of india inbound take out pakistan s nuclear facilities. when sharif heard news, angrily ordered paf scrambled , rolled nuclear bombs out of shelters in preparation launch. on night of 27 may, united states , other nations assured nawaz sharif pakistan safe, israeli attack never materialized , according political scientist dr. shafik h. hashmi.

finally, pakistan carried out successful nuclear tests on 28 may 1998 (codename chagai-i), , on 30 may 1998 (codename chagai-ii), in response indian detonation of 6 nuclear devices 2 weeks before. after these test, prime minister appeared on pakistan television corporation , took nation on confidence , addressed world:

if [pakistan] had wanted, (pakistan) have conducted nuclear tests 15–20 years ago.... abject poverty of people of region dissuaded... [pakistan] doing so. [w]orld, instead of putting pressure on (india)... not take destructive road.... imposed kinds of sanctions on [pakistan] no fault of her..... if (japan) had own nuclear capability.. (cities of)... hiroshima , nagasaki not have suffered atomic destruction @ hands of the... united states.


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