The Phu Rieng Do strike Phu Rieng Do

1 phu rieng strike

1.1 discrepancies in dates of events
1.2 negotiation , victory celebrations
1.3 deliberation on next course of action

the phu rieng strike

the strike @ sprawling 5,500 hectares michelin rubber plantation in phú riềng took place on 4 february 1930, sixth day of tết, vietnamese lunar new year. noted air of millenarian excitement [had] gripped phu rieng workers emotions ran high @ time of spiritual renewal . consequently, strike began when 300 workers refused work under pretext of attending burial of co-worker. communists had capitalised on man s death stir anti-french emotions attributing oppressive plantation management. however, time local delegue administratif went investigate incident on 5 february, workers had resumed duties. peace did not last when foreman arrested on same day alleged theft workers.

this foreman comrade lu said sympathetic workers. when discovered spy sent plantation management gather intelligence work cessation day before, gave chase arrested french foremen accused him of theft instead. when workers got news of this, 1,300 of them gathered in village on plantation , not disperse on orders delegue , twenty police escorts. instead, demanded release of lu. workers repeated demands made earlier on 30 january, first day of tết, dismissal of 2 despised assistant managers , have eight-hour work day amongst others. implies soumagnac, plantation manager, had underestimated situation when workers first articulated demands on 30 january.

these earlier demands made in veiled fashion when trần tử bình, 2 other communists, comrade hong , comrade ta , reciprocated soumagnac s customary tết greeting own, cleverly weaving in other requests of not steal or dock our pay, not beat us... not collect head taxes more . in response, soumagnac hemmed , hawed , promised consider demands. things came head when office surrounded angry workers 3 days later demand lu s release , did telephone nearest military post reinforcements. however, workers able disarm 7 soldiers , send entire platoon retreat.

discrepancies in dates of events

at juncture, may of interest highlight discrepancies in dates of events in narrative tran bu binh , david marr cedric allen sampson. trần s account, funeral fellow worker seemed have taken place on 31 january, second day of tết, , arrest of lu on 1 february, third day of tết. culminated in surrounding of soumagnac s office on same day till 2 february, fourth day of tết. agrees marr s reading of event soumagnac made telephone call military post 3 days after 30 january, on 2 february.

on other hand, sampson wrote strike began on 4 february, sixth day of tết, workers stopping work on pretext of fellow worker s burial. sampson, arrest of foreman lu took place on 5 february or seventh day of tết. regardless of actual dates, however, both narratives agree funeral , arrest of lu trigger events strike, culminated in workers surrounding soumagnac s office, forcing him telephone military aid.

negotiation , victory celebrations

trần tử bình amongst representing workers negotiate plantation owners. under duress, soumagnac, representing owners, signed agreement granting demands of workers. revolutionary festivities began after march soumagnac s house other parts of plantation. in demonstrations of victory, hammer , sickle raised , internationale sung. soon, workers bold enough fire captured rifles air followed burning of office files. supplies stores broken , workers helped food. after torchlight banquet , workers entertained cheo, or traditional vietnamese opera performance. in midst of these, supervisory staff allowed flee plantation.

general trần tử bình

deliberation on next course of action

within communist leadership, 2 diametrically opposed options mooted. first, fight french when returned larger force, popular majority of workers confidence boosted recent victory. trần tử bình, on other hand, cautioned time not ripe party [had] not yet directed [them] seize power. felt phu rieng not afford isolated liberation of entire country mean swift crushing concentrated forces of french. unable resolve dilemma, strike continued.


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