Relationship with the Government Australian House of Representatives

governor-general sir peter cosgrove members of second turnbull ministry

under constitution, governor-general has power appoint , dismiss ministers of state administer government departments. in practice, governor-general chooses ministers in accordance traditions of westminster system government drawn party or coalition of parties has majority in house of representatives, leader of largest party becoming prime minister.

these ministers meet in council known cabinet. cabinet meetings strictly private , occur once week vital issues discussed , policy formulated. constitution not recognise cabinet legal entity; exists solely convention. decisions not in , of have legal force. however, serves practical expression of federal executive council, australia s highest formal governmental body. in practice, federal executive council meets solely endorse , give legal force decisions made cabinet. members of cabinet members of executive council. while governor-general nominal presiding officer, or never attends executive council meetings. governor-general bound convention follow advice of executive council on occasions, giving de facto executive power. senior member of cabinet holds office of vice-president of executive council , acts presiding officer of executive council in absence of governor-general. federal executive council australian equivalent of executive councils , privy councils in other commonwealth realms such queen s privy council canada , privy council of united kingdom.

a minister not required senator or member of house of representatives @ time of appointment, office forfeited if not become member of either house within 3 months of appointment. provision included in constitution (section 64) enable inaugural ministry, led edmund barton, appointed on 1 january 1901, though first federal elections not scheduled held until 29 , 30 march.

after 1949 election, bill spooner appointed minister in fourth menzies ministry on 19 december, term senator did not begin until 22 february 1950.

the provision used after disappearance , presumed death of liberal prime minister harold holt in december 1967. liberal party elected john gorton, senator, new leader, , sworn in prime minister on 10 january 1968 (following interim ministry led john mcewen). on 1 february, gorton resigned senate stand 24 february by-election in holt s former house of representatives electorate of higgins due convention prime minister member of lower house. 22 days (2 23 february inclusive) prime minister while member of neither house of parliament.

on number of occasions when ministers have retired seats prior election, or stood lost own seats in election, have retained ministerial offices until next government sworn in.


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