History Swansea (UK Parliament constituency)

1 history

1.1 lewis llewelyn dillwyn
1.2 robert burnie
1.3 sir john llewellyn
1.4 george newnes
1.5 alfred mond


swansea liberal association presided on outset industrialists such cory yeo , morgan tutton, , influence contributed return of liberal candidate @ every election down 1922, save of 1895. in relation popular support, substantial irish community in swansea supported liberals. however, powerful feature in last years of nineteenth century substantial nonconformist vote, influenced ministers such gomer lewis of capel gomer baptist church in centre of city.

lewis llewelyn dillwyn

the first member, 1885, veteran radical lewis llewelyn dillwyn. although dillwyn anglican, considered have advanced views in relation disestablishment of anglican church in wales , regularly sought introduce legislation on issue in house of commons. dillwyn opposed in 1885 little known 22-year-old conservative candidate, w.h. meredyth. meredyth belonged leading anglo-irish family , drew of support during campaign various members of aristocracy came swansea support him. @ several meetings, struggled gain hearing polled remarkably given youth , inexperience.

in 1892, dillwyn, aged 78, had every intention of contesting general election. on 1 june joint meeting of swansea conservative , liberal unionist associations resolved nominate f. ormesby-gore candidate in forthcoming election. however, on 18 june, dillwyn, having attended meeting @ swansea liberal club david randell re-adopted liberal candidate gower constituency, dillwyn taken ill @ meeting plan own campaign , died following day @ royal hotel, swansea.

robert burnie

shortly after dillwyn s death, ormesby-gore withdrew , conservatives selected nephew, sir john llewelyn candidate. llewelyn commonly regarded being strongest candidate available conservatives due family connection unable contest swansea town. liberals selected r.d. burnie, known radical views , was, result, popular amongst working class electorate. @ adoption meeting, burnie declared himself sternly in favour of disestablishment, reflecting views of predecessor, expressed strong support home rule wales ireland,thus placing himself firmly in cymru fydd camp.

burnie local industrialist advanced views on social questions made him popular labour element suspect amongst colleagues. burnie launched campaign @ public meeting @ albert hall, swansea, sir hussey vivian presided , endorsed burnie s campaign in speech resonating references own father s time mp swansea. vivian s intervention may have been calculated counter impact of conservatives decision adopt sir john llewelyn, popular figure locally , nephew of late member, lewis llewelyn dillwyn.

sir john llewellyn

burnie casualty of 1895 election when defeated sir john dillwyn-llewellyn, bt, prominent local conservative , 1 of few non-liberals elevated aldermanic bench on glamorgan county council.

george newnes

by 1900 burnie s opposition south african wr ensured not re-adopted. in place liberals selected sir george newnes, newspaper magnate wealth far outweighed political skills.

alfred mond

newnes served until 1910 when replaced alfred mond. mond subjected anti-semitic attacks conservatives mocked him unsuitable representative nonconformist swansea middle-class. powerful capitalist employed of swansea population position was, time being, beyond challenge.


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