Biography Douglas Rushkoff

1 biography

1.1 background
1.2 influences
1.3 awards , appointments


rushkoff born in new york city, new york, , son of sheila, psychiatric social worker, , marvin rushkoff, hospital administrator. graduated princeton university in 1983. moved los angeles , completed master of fine arts in directing california institute of arts. later took post-graduate fellowship american film institute. phd candidate @ utrecht university s new media program, writing dissertation on new media literacies, approved in june, 2012.

rushkoff emerged in 1990s active member of cyberpunk movement, developing friendships , collaborations people including timothy leary, ru sirius, paul krassner, robert anton wilson, ralph abraham, terence mckenna, genesis p-orridge, ralph metzner, grant morrison, mark pesce, erik davis, , other writers, artists , philosophers interested in intersection of technology, society , culture.

cyberia, first book on cyberculture, inspired san francisco rave scene of 1990s. planned publication scrapped, however; in rushkoff s words, in 1992 bantam canceled book because thought 1993 internet over. published in 1994.

as books became more accepted, , concepts of media virus , social contagion became mainstream ideas, rushkoff invited deliver commentaries on national public radio s things considered, , make documentaries pbs series frontline.

in 2002, rushkoff awarded marshall mcluhan award media ecology association book coercion, , became member , sat on board of directors of organization. allied him media ecologists , continuation of known toronto school of media theorists including marshall mcluhan, walter ong, , neil postman.

rushkoff invited participate consultant ranging united nations commission on world culture , department of state.

simultaneously, rushkoff continued develop relationship counterculture figures, collaborating genesis p-orridge keyboardist psychic tv, , credited composing music album hell invisible heaven her/e. rushkoff taught classes in media theory , in media subversion new york university s interactive telecommunications program, participated in activist pranks yes men , etoy, contributed numerous books , documentaries on psychedelics, , spoke or appeared @ many events sponsored counterculture publisher disinformation.


references media ecologist , toronto school of communication founder marshall mcluhan appear throughout rushkoff’s work focus on media on content, effects of media on popular culture , level @ people participate when consuming media.

rushkoff worked both robert anton wilson , timothy leary on developing philosophical systems explain consciousness, interaction technology, , social evolution of human species, , references both consistently in work. leary, along john barlow , terence mckenna characterized mid-1990s techno-utopian, , saw rapid acceleration of culture, emerging media , unchecked advancement of technology positive. rushkoff s own unbridled enthusiasm cyberculture tempered dotcom boom, when non-profit character of internet rapidly overtaken corporations , venture capital. rushkoff cites 2 events in particular – day netscape became public company in 1995, , day aol bought timewarner in 2000 – pivotal moments in understanding of forces @ work in evolution of new media.

rushkoff spent several years exploring judaism primer media literacy, going far publish book inviting jews restore religion open source roots. founded movement progressive judaism called reboot, subsequently left when felt funders had become more concerned marketing , publicity of judaism actual improvement , evolution. disillusioned failure of open source model challenge entrenched , institutional hierarchies religion finance, became colleague of mark crispin miller , naomi klein, appearing them @ smith college in numerous documentaries decrying corporatization of public space , consciousness. has dedicated himself issues of media literacy, participatory government, , development of local , complementary currencies. wrote book , film called life inc., traces development of corporatism , centralized currency renaissance today, , hosts radio show called mediasquat on wfmu, concerned reclaiming commerce , culture corporate domination.

awards , appointments

douglas rushkoff has served on board of directors of media ecology association, center cognitive liberty , ethics, , founding member of technorealism, of advisory board of national association media literacy education, , hyperwords

he winner of first neil postman award career achievement in public intellectual activity, given media ecology association, in 2004.


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