Acres of Diamonds Russell Conwell

the original inspiration famous essay, acres of diamonds , occurred in 1869 when conwell traveling in middle east. work began speech, @ first given, wrote conwell in 1913, before reunion of old comrades of forty-sixth massachusetts regiment, served in civil war , in captain. delivered lecture on chautauqua circuit prior becoming pastor of grace baptist church in philadelphia in 1882 , first published in book form in 1890 john y. huber company of philadelphia. before death in 1925, conwell come deliver on 6,152 times around world.

the central idea of work 1 need not elsewhere opportunity, achievement, or fortune—the resources achieve things present in 1 s own community. theme developed introductory anecdote, credited conwell arab guide, man wanted find diamonds badly sold property , went off in futile search them. new owner of home discovered rich diamond mine located right there on property. conwell elaborates on theme through examples of success, genius, service, or other virtues involving ordinary americans contemporary audience: dig in own backyard! .

in people s history of united states, historian howard zinn comments message rich if tried hard enough, while implying conwell held elitist attitudes selectively quoting following speech:

i ought rich, , duty rich ... men rich may honest men find in community. let me here ... ninety-eight out of 1 hundred of rich men of america honest. why rich. why trusted money. why carry on great enterprises , find plenty of people work them. because honest men. ... sympathize poor, number of poor sympathized small. sympathize man whom god has punished sins ... wrong. ... let remember there not poor person in united states not made poor own shortcomings...

conwell s capacity establish temple university , other civic projects largely derived income earned speech. book has been regarded classic of new thought literature since 1870s. after conwell s death, proceeds speech dedicated sunday breakfast association, homeless shelter in philadelphia.


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