Services German National Library of Science and Technology

1 services

1.1 doi registration agency
1.2 depository library
1.3 leibniz open access repository
1.4 competence center non-textual material
1.5 getinfo online service

doi registration agency

in 2005 tib became world s first digital object identifier (doi) registration agency research data sets in fields of technology, natural sciences , medicine. today offers registration results of publicly funded research conducted in europe.

depository library

the tib legal deposit library research projects sponsored various agencies of german federal government, in particular:

federal ministry of education , research (bmbf)
federal ministry of economics , technology (bmwi) in areas of energy, aviation, , aerospace research
federal ministry environment, nature conservation , nuclear safety (bmu) in energy research , energy technologies
agency renewable resources (fnr) on behalf of federal ministry of food, agriculture , consumer protection (bmelv)

leibniz open access repository

the tib member of leibniz association, consortium of 87 non-university research institutes in germany. in support of association s open access goals, tib operates leibnizopen repository in cooperation leibniz institute information infrastructure fachinformationszentrum karlsruhe. tib advises leibniz association s various member organizations, scientists , staff on depositing publications in repository according open access guidelines.

competence center non-textual material

the amount, usage , importance of non-textual materials such 3d models, av media , research data continually increasing , small proportion can searched @ present time. goal of tib competence centre non-textual materials (knm) (german: kompetenzzentrum für nicht-textuelle materialien) fundamentally improve access to, , use of, such non-textual materials. tib develops new multimedia analysis methods such morphology, speech or structure recognition create indexing , metadata researchers , educators make better use of these complex materials. in addition, competence center dedicated preservation of multimedia objects, assignment of doi , knowledge transfer.

getinfo online service

tib operates getinfo portal science , technology interdisciplinary search capabilities other german national libraries access more 150 million data sets other specialized databases, publishers , library catalogs. tib makes scientific videos of lectures, conferences, computer animations, simulations , experiments available via getinfo. these video items can searched free-of-charge , can downloaded via flash player.


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