Reporting a bug or filing a feature request Wikipedia:Bug reports and feature requests

1 reporting bug or filing feature request

1.1 create account
1.2 details

1.2.1 selecting projects
1.2.2 setting task priority

reporting bug or filing feature request

see how report bug on mediawiki.

you ve got bug or feature request, , re itching report it. first thing should search existing report using search field in upper corner. may have reported bug or requested feature. searching first helps prevent duplicates. effective, try multiple synonyms , rephrasings of bug or feature might have been called.

create account

the next step create account in phabricator. wikimedia s single user login (sul), can use account on login , don t have remember separate password. please follow instructions how create account on in contrast previous bug tracking system (bugzilla), email address not displayed in phabricator. if had bugzilla account prior launch of phabricator, process join phabricator , bugzilla accounts.


create bug or feature request! understand fields mean , how write useful task, recommended read how report bug on mediawiki. few details highlighted below.

selecting projects

in order relate task project (tag) uses phabricator, need start typing name in tags field , select project list of matching projects (the list show 5 matching projects). can search projects , read short project descriptions clicking magnifier icon in tags field. can add 1 or more projects tags field. if unsure, can leave empty — triagers take care of tasks have no project set. there (long) list of projects available. press edit query search projects. (this list available @ phabricator/projects.)

setting task priority

priority should set product managers, maintainers, or developers plan work on task, or staff bugwrangler, or technically experienced community members, not reporter filing bug report or outside observers. see phabricator project management details.


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