First term as prime minister (1990–93) Nawaz Sharif

1 first term prime minister (1990–93)

1.1 conservative policies
1.2 domestic issues
1.3 industrialization , privatisation
1.4 science policy
1.5 nuclear policy
1.6 1992 co-operatives societies scandal
1.7 1993 constitutional crisis
1.8 end of first term

first term prime minister (1990–93)

the conservatives first time in country s history, came power under democratic system, under leadership of nawaz sharif. nawaz sharif became 12th prime minister of pakistan on 1 november 1990 head of iji , succeeded benazir bhutto prime minister. iji had been created , funded zia loyalists in isi; received rs 15 million isi. campaigned on conservative platform , vowed reduce government corruption. focused on improving nation s infrastructure , spurred growth of digital telecommunication. privatised government banks , opened door further industrial privatisation, , disbanded zulfikar bhutto s policies. legalised foreign money exchange transacted through private money exchangers. privatisation policies continued both benazir bhutto in mid-1990s , shaukat aziz in 2000s.

conservative policies

nawaz sharif meeting conservative intellectuals of pakistan in sindh province, c. 1990s.

sharif took steps initiate islamization , conservatism @ once. continuation of conservative change in pakistan society encouraged, policy started zia ul haq. reforms made introduce fiscal conservatism, supply-side economics, bioconservatism , religious conservatism in pakistan.

he raised issue of kashmir in international forums , worked toward peaceful transfer power in afghanistan end rampant trading of illicit drugs , weapons across border. sharif intensified general zia-ul-haq s controversial islamization policies, , introduced islamic laws such shariat ordinance , bait-ul-maal (to poor orphans widows, etc.); moreover, gave tasks ministry of religion prepare reports , recommendations steps taken toward islamization. ensured establishment of 3 committees.

ittehad-e-bain-ul-muslemeen (unity of muslims bloc)
nifaz-e-shariat committee (sharia establishment committee)
islamic welfare committee

he believed in forming muslim bloc uniting central asian muslim countries extended membership of economic cooperation organization (eco) central asian countries. nawaz sharif confident had majority in assembly ruled considerable confidence. had disputes 3 successive army chiefs. sharif took issue of environmentalism part of government platform, , established environmental protection agency in 1997, part of environmental conservatism policy.

domestic issues

following imposition , passing of resolution 660, resolution 661, , resolution 665, sharif sided united nations on iraqi invasion of kuwait. major international incident took place in middle east iraq invading kuwait dismayed world. sharif s government criticised iraq invading fellow muslim country, strained pakistan s relationships iraq. relationships continued strained pakistan seek tighten relations iran, , foreign policy continued benazir bhutto, pervez musharraf until removal of saddam hussein in 2003.

sharif contended former chief of army staff general mirza aslam beg on 1991 gulf war (see operation desert storm). under direction of general beg, pakistan armed forces actively participated in conflict , army special service group , naval special service group rushed saudi arabia provide intense security saudi royal family. sharif contended upcoming chief of army staff general asif nawaz on paramilitary operation in sindh province (see operation clean-up).

sharif, during first term, found difficult working ppp , mutahidda qaumi movement (mqm), potent force in karachi. mqm , ppp opposed sharif due focus on beautifying punjab , kashmir while neglecting sindh. mqm, liberal force, opposed sharif s conservatism. clash between liberalism , conservatism erupted forces in 1992 when political tension began arise in both party renegading ideological war against each other. despite mqm had formed government sharif, more , more problems mounted between sharif , mqm in 1992. sharif s government members passed resolution in parliament, launch paramilitary operation end cold war between pml-n , mqm. during time, centre left pakistan peoples party remained quiet , neutral while watching impact of cold war between liberal , conservative forces. prime minister sharif contended upcoming operation chief of army staff general asif navaz on paramilitary operation in sindh province (see operation clean-up). launched in 1992, violence erupted in karachi , brought economic halt in country dismantled sharif s industrialisation , investment being brought sharif. benazir bhutto, during course of episode, remained silent had opposed mqm. operation continued benazir also, due amid pressure exerted brother murtaza bhutto, operation came halt. period of 1992–1994 considered bloodiest years in history of city, many went missing.

during second term, altaf hussain decided join sharif , tried reach compromise. after 1997 parliamentary elections, mqm joined sharif alliance fall apart following assassination of hakim said. therefore, prime minister kicked mqm out of government on immediate effect , assumed control of karachi. mqm forced continued political activities underground. action led sharif claim exclusive mandate of entire pakistan, , first time in political career, sharif , party had control of sindh, balochistan, northwest frontier, kashmir , punjab provinces.

industrialization , privatisation

shortly after assuming office of prime minister, sharif announced economic policy under programme called, national economic reconstruction programme (nerp). programme introduced extreme level of western-styled capitalist economic system.

acknowledged since unemployment had become pakistan s greatest disadvantage in economic growth , industrial , privatisation growth solve economic slow down. intensified privatization programme commenced, embarked , presided sharif, in vision turning pakistan (south) korea encouraging greater private saving , investment accelerate economic growth. . in 1990, sharif announced nuclear policy , aimed continue peaceful atomic programme benefit country s economic infrastructure. sharif expanded , industrialised nuclear energy program in entire country , peaceful , economic infrastructure extensively built him 1990s. many of nuclear medicine , nuclear engineering projects completed under government part of sharif s atoms peace program.

the privatisation programme came direct response zulfikar ali bhutto , peoples party led benazir and, instance, sharif s spontaneous privatisation programme swift nationalisation programme of peoples party in 1970s. prime minister sharif lacked charisma , personality of zulfikar ali bhutto countered bhutto s ideology full force, imitating him. during period of 1990–93, around 115 nationalised industries put under private-ownership management programme came highest surrounding controversies lacked competition programme largely controlled favoured insider. recklessness , favouritism shown in privatisation of industrial , banking units prime minister nawaz sharif become hallmark , rise of strong business oligarch have concentrated enormous assets, further increasing wealth gap in pakistan , contributing political instability.

privatization programme reached gdp growth rate 7.57% (1992) dropped @ 4.37% (1993; 1998).

sharif upgraded islamic laws such shariat ordinance , bait-ul-maal (to poor orphans , widows) drive country on model of islamic welfare state. sharif family affectee of zulfikar ali bhutto s nationalisation policy. number of important industries, such pakistan national shipping corporation, national electric power regulatory authority, pakistan international airlines, pakistan telecommunication corporation, , pakistan state oil opened private sector. in 1990, prime minister sharif privatised national development finance corporation

he introduced , inaugurated several large-scale projects stimulate economy, such ghazie-barotah hydropower plant. however, unemployment remained challenge, therefore sharif imported thousands of privatised yellow-cab taxis many young pakistanis, program came @ cost. few of loans repaid government , sharif found difficult privatise these taxis @ low rate, since young , poor not afford @ higher price. however, sharif indeed privatised these taxis @ low rate , steel industry forced pay remaining cost. during first , second term, sharif intensified policies of industrialisation , privatisation of major industries nationalised former prime minister zulfikar ali bhutto. undoing done in 1970s remained challenge sharif but, despite economical slow down, sharif reverted major policies of bhutto , under short span of time, 90% of industries industrialised , privatised him. radical move had positive impact on country s economy , economy progressed @ appropriate level. sharif policies continued benazir bhutto, nationalised industries needed government bail out plan, , pervez musharraf , shaukat aziz in 2000s managed privatised of major industries end term in 2008.

in second term, prime minister sharif built pakistan s first major motorway known m2 motorway (3mm), called autobahn of south asia. semi-government , semi-private mega-project completed in november 1997 @ cost of us$989.12 million. critics questioned layout of highway, criticizing excessive length, being away important cities, , absence of link roads important towns. furthermore, funds allocated construction of indus highway linking peshawar karachi shifted m2 motorway benefiting native punjab , kashmir provinces @ cost of other provinces. when true nature of sharif s motives exposed, people of other provinces extremely displeased, leading discordance , disharmony among provinces. welfare of other provinces, notable sindh , balochistan province, not taken sharif , ruling chief ministers , people of these provinces disenchanted him. after completion of mega project, sharif s policies undermined lack of capital investments. there influx of foreign capital when loosened foreign exchange restrictions , opened karachi stock exchange foreign capital, government remained short of funds investments.

during first term, sharif focused industrialisation on punjab , kashmir provinces, mild , few projects completed in khyber , balochistan provinces. while, sindh province did not benefit industrialisation. after receiving intense criticism pakistan peoples party , liberal-secular mutahidda qaumi movement (mqm), sharif launched orangi cottage industrial zone completed , inaugurated him. however, prime minister s reputation in sindh damaged because of focused on beautifying lahore , kashmir while neglected other provinces. sharif s industrialisation targeted opponents focused , circled on punjab , kashmir, sharif s native provinces. opponents argued sharif, prime minister, obtained permits building factories himself , business. sharif blamed expanding , finance armed forces secretive industrial conglomerate and, blamed bribing generals protect himself. sharif gave strong , vehement criticism former prime minister zulfikar ali bhutto s socialist economics policies, citing lamentable state of pakistan . privatisation policies staunchly criticised former science advisor dr. mubashir hassan, calling sharif s privatisation unconstitutional . other ppp members stood fact nationalisation measures protected parliament gave policy constitutional picture , status. peoples party felt privatisation policies illegal, had taken place without parliamentary approval , parliament not taken in confidence.

by end of sharif government s second term, economy in turmoil. government faced serious structural issues , financial problems; inflation , foreign debt stood @ all-time high, , unemployment in pakistan had reached highest-ever point. pakistan had debts of $32bn against reserves of little more $1bn. international monetary fund (imf) had suspended aid, demanding country s finances sorted out. sharif attempted put stock exchanges under government control, move backfired brutally on him; time deposed, country heading financial default.

science policy

sharif authorised establishment of jinnah antarctic station in 1991.

sharif took steps intense government control of science in pakistan , projects needed authorisation. in 1991, sharif founded , authorised pakistan antarctic programme under scientific directions of national institute of oceanography (nio), pakistan navy s weapons engineering division, , first established jinnah antarctic station , polar research cell. in 1992, pakistan became associate member of scientific committee on antarctic research signed science adviser munir ahmed khan @ united nations. benazir, ongoing nuclear weapons , energy program remained 1 of top priority. sharif countered international pressure, , followed same suit benazir s, , refused make compromise halt program despite united states having offered large economic aid pakistan. unlike benazir, sharif s nuclear policy seen less aggressive towards india , focused atomic programme benefit of public usage , civil society. unlike benazir s nuclear policy, set forth nuclear policy build civil , peaceful nuclear power, , vision, sharif intensively used integrated atomic programme medical , economic purposes. nuclear policy viewed experts vintage atoms peace program— united states 1950s program use nuclear energy civil purposes, , promote peaceful nuclear technology in world well.

in 1993, sharif authorised establish institute of nuclear engineering (ine) , promoted policy peaceful use of nuclear energy. on 28 july 1997, sharif declared 1997 year of science in pakistan, , allotted funds 22nd insc college on theoretical physics. in 1999, sharif signed executive decree, declaring day of 28 may national science day in pakistan.

nuclear policy

on 7 november 1990, newly elected prime minister announced nuclear policy , in public television, sharif responded that: peaceful [atomic] programme of which... accelerated accommodate growing [nuclear] [e]nergy needs , make rising [oil] prices. and, of course, (pakistan) construct new nuclear power plants. on 26 november, sharif authorised talks solve nuclear crises after had tightened embargo on pakistan, prompting sharif send government s treasure minister sartaj aziz held talks on washington. reported in pakistan assistant secretary of state teresita schaffer had told foreign minister shahabzada yaqub khan halt uranium enrichment programme.

in december, france s commissariat à l énergie atomique agreed provide commercial 900mw power plant, plans did not materialise france wanted pakistan provide entire financial funds plant. on december, financial embargo placed , country s economy felt distress prompted sharif replace treasure minister. sharif used munir ahmad khan have convinced iaea allow pakistan nuclear plant in chashman khan intensively lobbied in iaea nuclear power plant. in december 1990, iaea allowed pakistan established chasnupp-i, signed china; iaea gave approval of upgrading of kanupp-i in 1990. during first term, sharif intensified non-nuclear weapon policy , strictly followed policy of deliberate nuclear ambiguity continued benazir well. responding embargo, sharif publicly announced that: pakistan possessed no [atomic] bomb... pakistan happy sign nuclear nonproliferation treaty (npt) must provided first india same.

sharif intensified move enhance pakistan s integrated nuclear development , authorised projects seemed important in point of views. sharif promoted peaceful nuclear energy programme, , signed chasnupp-i reactor people s republic of china commercial electricity use. sharif responded use nuclear development in more of economical usage, benefited country s economy , extension civil society. policies make nuclear program economical use continued benazir bhutto , pervez musharraf.

1992 co-operatives societies scandal

sharif lost support punjab province , kashmir province when co-operatives societies scandal became public. co-operatives societies accept deposits members , can legally make loans members purposes benefit of society , members. however, mismanagement of these societies led collapse in millions of pakistanis lost money in 1992. in sharif s native punjab province , kashmir province, around 700,000 people poor people lost savings when states cooperatives societies went bankrupt. discovered society had granted billions of rupees ittefaq group of industries— sharif s owned steel mill. though ittefaq group s management hurriedly repaid loans affectees, prime minister s reputation severely damaged.

1993 constitutional crisis

in 1993, sharif survived serious constitutional crises when reported sharif developed serious issues on authority national conservative president ghulam ishaq khan. before 1993 parliamentary election, president ghulam ishaq khan on 18 april 1993, support of pakistan army, used reserve powers (58-2b) (see 8th amendment) dissolve national assembly, lower house. khan appointed mir balakh sher interim prime minister. when news reached sharif, forcefully rejected accept act , moved supreme court of pakistan, apex court in pakistan. on 26 may 1993, sharif returned power after supreme court ruled presidential order unconstitutional , reconstituted national assembly on immediate effect. court ruled, 10–1, president dissolve assembly if constitutional breakdown had occurred , government s incompetence or corruption irrelevant. justice sajjad ali shah dissenting judge, later became 13th chief justice of pakistan.

end of first term

however, issues president on authority circled , subsequent political stand off instigated between president , prime minister. finally, in july 1993, sharif resigned under pressure pakistan armed forces negotiated settlement resulted in removal of president ghulam ishaq khan well. in july 1993, chairman of joint chiefs of staff committee general shamim allam , chief of army staff general abdul vahied kakar forced president ishaq khan resign presidency , subsequently ended political standoff. under close scrutiny of pakistan armed forces, new interim , transitional government formed , new parliamentary election held after 3 months.


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