Under the Directory Jean-Marie Calès

platform of hemicycle of palais bourbon. bas-relief on foreground depicts fame, blowing in trumpet, publishes great events of revolution , history writes word republic , , has been sculpted françois-frédéric lemot (1772-1827) in 1798. 1 of relics original room of council of 5 hundred.

the deputies of council of 5 hundred (with red costume), year after jean-marie calès left — (general bonaparte @ council of 5 hundred, in saint cloud. 10 november 1799 — coup d État of 18-19 brumaire year viii) (françois bouchot)

calès elected deputy of council of 5 hundred @ legislative elections of 23rd vendemiaire year iv (october 15, 1795), according procedure whereby 2 thirds of seats reserved former deputies of convention (by virtue of « decree of two-thirds » adopted, prevent royalists returning power). these principles established constitution of year iii (adopted convention), inaugurated regime of directory.

he took part in coup of 18 fructidor, year v (september 4, 1797), , actively contributed success of day. made several reports council (which adopted), on costume of representatives, secretaries, messengers of state , ushers of legislative body, on establishment of health schools (12 brumaire, year vi - november 2, 1797), of medical education (29 germinal, year vii - april 18, 1798), , on organization of ecole polytechnique (he requested « young men known civic virtue » should admitted).

he chosen , appointed peers « quaestor » of assembly (member of parliamentary assembly in charge of internal administration, such budgeting, personnel, premises, equipment, etc.). first major work under responsibility of these inspectors construction of first hemicycle of palais bourbon, has disappeared. names « talot, jacomin, martinel, laa , calès » engraved on copper plate placed under marble of « orator s tribune » (which still exists today, , bas-relief sculpted françois-frédéric lemot represents 2 allegories: « the history facing fame »), @ occasion of installation of council of 5 hundred in new palace.


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