Defence and foreign affairs Niue

premier sir toke talagi in hawaii in 2011.

niue has been self-governing in free association new zealand since 3 september 1974 when people endorsed constitution in plebiscite. niue responsible internal affairs. niue s position concerning external relations less clear cut. section 6 of niue constitution act provides that: nothing in act or in constitution shall affect responsibilities of majesty queen in right of new zealand external affairs , defence of niue. section 8 elaborates still leaves position unclear:

effect shall given provisions of sections 6 , 7 [concerning external affairs , defence , economic , administrative assistance respectively] of act, , other aspect of relationship between new zealand , niue may time time call positive co-operation between new zealand , niue after consultation between prime minister of new zealand , premier of niue, , in accordance policies of respective governments; and, if appears desirable provision made in law of niue carry out these policies, provision may made in manner prescribed in constitution, not otherwise.

niue has representative mission in wellington, new zealand. member of pacific islands forum , number of regional , international agencies. not member of united nations, state party united nations convention on law of sea, united nations framework convention on climate change, ottawa treaty , treaty of rarotonga. country member state of unesco since 26 october 1993.

traditionally, niue s foreign relations , defence have been regarded responsibility of new zealand. however, in recent years niue has begun follow own foreign relations, independent of new zealand, in spheres. established diplomatic relations people s republic of china on 12 december 2007. joint communique signed niue , china different in treatment of taiwan question agreed new zealand , china. new zealand acknowledged china s position on taiwan has never expressly agreed it, niue recognises there 1 china in world, government of people s republic of china sole legal government representing whole of china , taiwan inalienable part of territory of china. niue established diplomatic relations india on 30 august 2012. on 10 june 2014 government of niue press release : niue has signed new diplomatic relations turkey. honourable minister of infrastructure dalton tagelagi formalised agreement on weekend @ pacific small island states, foreign ministers meeting in istanbul, turkey. memorandum of understanding turkey, increases niue s foreign relationship countries including peoples republic of china, india, australia, thailand, samoa, cook islands , singapore.

the people of niue have fought part of new zealand military. in world war i, niue sent 200 soldiers part of māori battalion in new zealand forces.

niue not republic full name listed republic of niue number of years on iso list of country names (iso-3166-1). in newsletter of 14 july 2011, iso acknowledged mistake , words republic of deleted iso list of country names.


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