Siege of Toulon French fleet at the Siege of Toulon

the siege of toulon, jean-antoine-siméon fort

the war of first coalition, first of french revolutionary wars, began on 20 april 1792 when french assembly voted declare war on austrian empire. fighting confined austrian netherlands , northern italy until execution of king louis xvi on 21 january 1793. within days, france had declared war on great britain, netherlands , spain. summer of 1793 increasing radicalisation of french assembly had alienated of southern france, , series of royalist uprisings broke out in august.

one of serious rebellions @ toulon, large port city on mediterranean sea , principal naval base formidable french mediterranean fleet, numbering 31 ships of line under command of royalist admiral comte de trogoff. powerful force under blockade royal navy fleet of 21 ships of line sent britain @ outbreak of war under command of admiral lord hood , on 23 august 2 representatives of royalist governments across southern france approached hood s flagship hms victory negotiate terms of alliance. there no delegates city of toulon, loyalty of central control of region.

capture of toulon

royalist control of toulon not assured, particularly since there strong republican faction in fleet, led contre-amiral saint-julien (fr), , establish faction controlled city hood sent lieutenant edward cooke harbour on 24 august instructions meet royalist leader in toulon. cooke forced approach harbour in darkness avoid republican boat patrols, successful in bypassing them, having visited harbour under during temporary truce in july, , sending message royalist party. julien learned of cooke s presence , spread word if should capture cooke have him hanged, cooke, had sheltered on shore overnight, returned city following day meet royalist delegates. during discussions able negotiate seizure , disarmament of french fleet british in exchange protection city of toulon, on understanding when republicans had been defeated , french monarchy restored returned france. on return british fleet, boat intercepted french frigate, , careful manoeuveres in shallow water under fire frigate s boats returned safely. on 26 august cooke returned port royalist naval officer, discover julien had seized control of fleet , promised resist british if entered port. end, republican sailors had occupied fort lamalgue , other defensive positions on western bluffs overlooking harbour. on 27 august hood landed small expeditionary force under captain george elphinstone , drove republican forces off, julien , more 5,000 french sailors retreating inland.

with british forces controlling batteries overlooking harbour, remaining republicans capitulated. on 28 august ships of french fleet still anchored in roads moved arsenals hood brought british fleet, supported 17 spanish ships of line under admiral juan de lángara port. command of city granted rear-admiral samuel goodall , command of defences spanish admiral don federico gravina. during september french republican armies advanced on toulon under command of general jean françois carteaux west , general jean françois la poype east. concerned lingering republican faction in toulon, represented 5,000 discharged sailors, hood ordered 4 ships , corvette released seized french fleet, disarmed, , used cartels convey sailors republican ports on atlantic. these ships, apollon, entreprenant, orion, , patriote, plus corvette pluvier, sailed on 14 september, arriving @ destinations in mid-october.

fighting on heights

in late september heavy fighting began control of high ground overlooked harbour. republican shore batteries exchanged fire royal navy ships during hms princess royal suffered heavy casualties in ammunition explosion, , on 30 september republican troops under captain napoleon bonaparte captured hill of pharon, driven off following day combined force of british, spanish, neapolitan , sardinian soldiers under lord mulgrave. in october neapolitan reinforcements encouraged series of successful assaults on republican held heights, later in month hood , lángara had serious disagreement on command of siege, lángara going far threaten hood s flagship victory before backing down. @ end of month allies mustered more 16,000 men, including 6,000 spanish troops. british contribution on 2,000 men, reduced royal navy s commitments elsewhere in mediterranean. substantial body of austrian reinforcements expected genoa, prevented embarking combination of austrian intransigence , genoese anger @ british violation of neutrality during action of 5 october 1793. short of troops allies hood hired 1,500 mercenaries knights of malta, although did not arrive before conclusion of siege. republican forces growing rapidly during period reinforcements released conclusion of siege of lyon reached besiegers @ toulon, republican army mustering approximately 33,000 soldiers under general jacques françois dugommier.


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