Record-breaking strategos Phocion

1 record-breaking strategos

1.1 management of second athenian sea league
1.2 military service persia in cyprus
1.3 campaign in euboea against macedonia
1.4 campaign repel philip ii byzantium
1.5 mission aid megara

record-breaking strategos

although phocion never canvassed athenians it, appointed strategos record-breaking 45 times. did not attend election meetings of agora , people forced seek him afterward. however, accepted appointment on every occasion.

management of second athenian sea league

phocion sent aegean sea chabrias, collect regional tributes second athenian sea league. representatives of athens unpopular among subject allies, phocion had been issued 20 warships. however, declined bring them along, commenting if being sent fight islanders need larger force, if visiting them allies, 1 ship enough. departed own trireme. @ each city, phocion negotiated each fee diplomatically returned home large allied fleet, protected treasury. allies organized colourful parades in honour.

military service persia in cyprus

between 351–349 bc, phocion helped persian emperor artaxerxes iii subdue cypriot rebellion.

campaign in euboea against macedonia

in 349 bc, philip ii of macedon invaded euboea , established many local tyrants. phocion went there small force, expecting win on euboeans diplomatic means. philip had organised strong bribe network corrupted local politicians. phocion established camp on hill outside city of tamynae, , ordered men ignore neglected duties because of macedonian bribes. explained: useless , furthermore, in way of loyal.

in 348 bc, macedonian support, euboean general callias brought armies attack camp. phocion decided offer many religious sacrifices before battle, until gods favourable. such activities demanded time, , forces of euboean mercenaries attacked enemy, general thinking phocion coward , hoping force hand. athenian cavalry ill-disciplined, , not wishing remain idle, raced out meet enemy, no formation , in scattered groups, beaten , routed. euboeans defeated mercenaries , began ravaging athenian camp. after phocion interpret sacrifices favorably (or alternatively draw enemy in), led main lines battle while enemy surging palisade thinking had defeated phocion s forces. resulted in phocion cutting down , routing enemy forces. best men while main body of army rallied of dispersed troops, phocion engaged enemy s chief divisions, in ferocious battle. phocion victorious freed captured enemies, fearing athenians might treat them harshly.

subsequently, phocion captured fort of zaretra, @ euboea island s narrowest portion. then, returned athens.

campaign repel philip ii byzantium

with armies, philip ii reached dardanelles, expecting successively seize chersonesus, perinthus, , byzantium. athenians sent chares confront him greek colonies reacted negatively him, usual. consequently, force nothing except roam around region. athenians angry wanted cancel expedition. phocion interceded, saying: shouldn t angry @ our allies. should blame our generals, because of whom feared need most.

then, in 339 bc, phocion sent region. phocion s fortune, transpired leon, personal friend academy , byzantine known courage, guaranteed athenian s faith. thus, particularly there, new expedition amicably received and, though phocion had planned camp outside walls, welcomed city, athenian soldiers acted exemplary discipline , courtesy. athenian soldiers fought bravely, defending site. then, phocion attacked macedonians around region, liberating many cities, expelled macedonian garrisons. eventually, macedonia forced withdraw region (temporarily, turned out).

however, phocion wounded returned athens.

mission aid megara

secretly, megarians requested military phocion.

phocion arrived army , warmly received. erected 2 long walls, megara seaport of nisaea. megarians felt safe allied athens.


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