Historical Persian theatre Persian theatre

1 historical persian theatre

1.1 naqqāli
1.2 ta zieh
1.3 kheimeh shab bazi
1.4 siah-bazi

historical persian theatre

these few of dramatic performing arts became popularized in iran in 7th century ad, long before advent of cinema. few examples include:

naqqāli (recounting stories)
ta zieh (shi martyr plays)
kheimeh shab bazi (puppet theatre)
siah-bazi (comical acts on politics)
ru howzi (comical acts on domestic life)
pardeh dari (screen based storytelling)
pardeh-khaani (mobile singing, storytelling read off curtain)
naghali (storytelling)
ghavali (minstrelsy)
shahnameh-khaani (singing storytelling performance of story of shahnameh)
rowzeh khani (mourning performance)
saye-bazi (shadow plays)
mirnouroozi (comic play during nowruz)
kachalak bazi or pahlavan kachal (comic play bald clown-like character)
baghal bazi (comic play takes place @ grocery store)


iranian actor doing naqqāli

naqqāli 1 of oldest forms of traditional persian theatre. naqqāli performer , recounts stories in prose accompanied music, dance , decorative, painted scrolls. both men , women can naqqāli performers , can perform mixed-sex audiences, unusual in iran. performer wears simple costumes , single piece of historical related costume, 1 old piece of armour. art formerly performed in coffeehouses, private houses , historical venues such ancient caravanserais. decline in popularity of coffeehouses in iran, , new forms of entertainment, has resulted in diminishing interest in naqqāli performance. aging of master performers, (who called morsheds) , decreasing popularity among younger generations have caused steep drop in number of skilled naqqāls, threatening survival of dramatic art. naqqāli included in 2011 unesco s representative list of intangible cultural heritage of humanity in need of urgent safeguarding. other similar iranian story-telling , performance traditions include naghali, pardeh-dari, pardeh-khaani, ghavali (minstrelsy), shahnameh-khaani, ta zieh.

ta zieh

ta zieh performance theater in round

ta zieh, known tazieh, form of traditional, religious persian theatre in drama conveyed through music, narration, prose , singing. ta zieh dates before islamic era. common theme epic tragedy of siavash in shahnameh of ferdowsi. in persian tradition, ta zieh , parde-khani inspired historical , religious events, , symbolize epic spirit , resistance. common theme hero tales of love, sacrifice, , resistance against evil. ta zieh resembles european opera in many respects.

kheimeh shab bazi

kheimeh-shab-bazi persian traditional puppetry performed in small chamber. there 2 people involved in performance: musical performer , person telling story (called morshed). dialogue between morshed , puppets. method of performance, characters , techniques used in writing puppet show make unique , distinguish other types of puppetry. newer genre of iranian puppetry emerged during qajar era. puppetry still common in contemporary iran.


a siahbazi performing

siah-bazi, known siyah-bazi type of iranian folk performing art features blackface, mischievous , forthright harlequin improvisations stir laughter. term siah-bazi literally translates playing black , sketch in 2 men dressed in red turbans, 1 has black face paint , engage in verbal duel witty, political in nature , humorous. character black face takes on clown-like role , tries disgrace master. outwardly master appears respectable person underneath immoral , not respected. blackface character portrayed carnivalesque underdog of working class , audience can empathize struggle through humor. siah-bazi has been compared american minstrel theater , have similar controversy.

siah-bazi , ru howzi both have blackface clown character , involve lewd jokes, ru howzi social theatre satirizes domestic life , performed @ private iranian residences on stage on pool of water found in home courtyards. siah-bazi performed in more public places theatres or coffee houses because of political subject matter.

the iranian revolution affected tone , performance of siah-bazi, , edited away sexual references, dancing , music. performances continue because of acceptance of standards of islamic iranian revolution.


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