French Colonization Islam in Algeria

in 1830, french conquered algiers. attempts rule rest of country met stiff opposition, religiously inspired: sufi warrior amir abd al-qadir particularly notable campaign keep french out. after defeat, rebellions continued mounted until @ least 1870, notably of cheikh mokrani; again, religious motivation notable in most, though not all, of these.

soon after arriving in algeria, french colonial regime set undermining traditional muslim algerian culture. french law muslims not hold public meetings, carry firearms, or leave homes or villages without permission. legally, french subjects, become french citizens, full rights, had renounce islamic law. few did so. land of islamic charitable trusts (habus) regarded government property , confiscated. of network of traditional qur anic schools , zaouias - regarded suspicion centers of potential resistance - collapsed, , literacy rate fell.

however, emergence of religious scholar , reformer abdelhamid ben badis go way reversing these trends. beginning in 1910s, preached against traditional marabouts , saint cults, believed in voodoo dolls,and urged importance of arabic , islamic education; disciples founded extensive network of schools, , rapidly brought saint cults widespread disrepute, making algerian islam substantially more orthodox.

while in islam, muslim society subject non-muslim rulers acceptable (see qur an), discrimination against islam led strong element of resistance movement french in algerian war of independence. independence fighters termed moudjahidine - practicers of jihad - , fallen called chouhada, martyrs, despite revolution s avowed socialism; during revolution, fln made symbolic efforts impose islamic principles, such banning wine , prostitution.


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