Event Electric Picnic 2009

1 event

1.1 performances
1.2 hot press chatroom

1.2.1 antisemitism controversy

1.3 areas

1.3.1 arts council literary stage
1.3.2 transmission panti

1.4 crime


rodrigo y gabriela returned mexico had gone after 8 years of working in dublin. launched album 11:11 on friday night.

hot press chatroom

the first additions line-up fifth hot press chatroom occur @ electric picnic bell x1, damien dempsey, abc s martin fry, dinosaur jr., duckworth lewis method, richmond fontaine, sugarhill gang , wailers.

the xx confirmed on 1 september participate in signing session on saturday of electric picnic. added festival approached alabama 3 (sunday) , tommy tiernan (saturday), 0 7 (friday), lykke li (friday), billy bragg , walkmen (both saturday). seasick steve announced friday night full timetable revealed on 3 september.

antisemitism controversy

tommy tiernan stirs controversy when asked if has ever been accused of being antisemitic.

the controversial comedian tommy tiernan caused controversy series of jokes, later perceived antisemitic, following interview session hot press s olaf tyaransen @ festival. 1 member of audience posed question:

going nazi joke , odd israeli joke, have ever been accused of being antisemitic?

tiernan responded:

have ever been accused of being anti-semitic? have, yeah. in america, these 2 people waited me after show. used joke about… jews never killed jesus, , joke was, line, well, wasn t fucking mexicans , joke, like. yeah, jewish people came me afterwards... have ever seen people eyes aflame righteousness… whites of eyes pure , fucking white. re one-stream people, re not people have gaps more 1 train of thought. 1 train of thought fucking purifies them. , these people israelis hounded people . , god, olaf might have more me, but... know, whatever, m not here hound anybody, these people come me afterwards…

the audience, however, appeared enjoy jokes , clapped , cheered tiernan referred jews fucking christ-killing bastards , said have got 10 or 12 million of them during holocaust.

fine gael s jewish td alan shatter said afterwards: regard particularly sad people found sort of outburst in way amusing . hot press editor niall stokes defended tiernan, saying tiernan taking piss . tiernan, speaking through hot press website in statement later published in magazine, said quite bewildered , upset thought these comments have caused hurt others never intention . tyaransen himself defended interview in evening herald column, saying remarks had been taken out of context , nobody had reported tiernan s other jokes taoiseach brian cowen— man should sent prison; should adopt chinese gulags —or ryan tubridy s debut host of late late show— s discovering kermit frog serial killer . however, controversy led condemnation of comedian in israeli media. representative of tiernan said tyaransen: quote being touted around world tommy told in interview. public performance .

tiernan later dropped laughs festival line-up in canada result of remarks.


areas return previous years include body & soul arena, comedy tent, spoken word area, greencrafts area , hot press chatroom. body & soul arena expanded in 2009. mindfield arena launched on 23 june 2009, leviathan political cabaret, due mc ed david mcwilliams, returning fourth year, mindfield all-star news quiz being hosted channel 4 news presenter jon snow, appearance ryan tubridy , word s house band aftermath. olaf tyaransen confirmed giving reading on saturday @ spoken word.

arts council literary stage

the arts council literary stage featured julie feeney, mundy, tommy tiernan , florence welsh each read works writers inspired them.

transmission panti

transmission panti live televised show took place in thisispopbaby tent. featured author irvine welsh, richie egan jape , stradbally hall s owner thomas cosby.


in week leading electric picnic, gardaĆ­ seized on €100,000 of illegal drugs, €5,000 cash , 3 people following raid in boyle, county roscommon. drugs, comprising cannabis, cocaine , ecstasy, thought have been made ready distribution @ festival.

following festival, gardaĆ­ sought assistance general public whereabouts of 19-year-old man tramore, county waterford, had last been seen in electric picnic campsite. found alive 5 days later in field.


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