Tomb Henry III of Castile

the tomb of henry iii of castile. chapel of new monarchs of toledo.

after death, henry s body taken city of toledo, interred in tomb in chapel of new monarchs of cathedral of toledo, , remains still there today. tomb located above choir stalls on gospel side , in plateresque style. box part decorated shields of castile , león, , lower interior has 3 panels decorated trophies. above 3 panels 2 cherubs hold plaque on engraved monarch s epitaph:

aqui iace el mui temido y justiciero rei don enrique de dulce memoria que dios de santo paraiso hijo del catholico rei don juan nieto del noble cavallero don enrique en 16 aÑos que reino fue castilla temida y honrrada nacio en burgos dia de san francisco y murio dia de nabidad en toledo iendo la guerra de los moros con los nobles del reino fino aÑo del seÑor de 1407. (medieval spanish language)

which translates to:

here lies feared , justice-maker king henry, of sweet memory, may god give [him] holy paradise, [he was] son of catholic king john , grandson of noble knight henry[.] in 16 years reigned, castile feared , honored[. he] born in burgos on day of st francis , died on christmas day in toledo, going moors war kingdom s nobles, finishing ad 1407.

there recumbent statue of henry iii on tomb, made in polychrome alabaster. henry appears clothed in franciscan habit, although hands holding sword in girdle, runs parallel cordón de san francisco. king s head in crown rests on 3 rich cushions, , feet bare. 4 kneeling angels @ corners of statue.


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