Types of picket Picketing

a rally of trade union unison in oxford during strike on march 28, 2006, members carrying picket signs.

informational picketing legal name given type of picketing described above. informational picketing, described merriam-webster s dictionary of law, entails picketing group, typically labour or trade union, inform public matter of concern important union. popular picketing technique nurses use outside of healthcare facilities. example, on april 5, 2006 nurses of umass memorial medical center (ummhc) participated in 2 separate informational picketing events protect quality of nursing program. informational picketing used gain public support , promote further bargaining management.

a mass picket attempt bring many people possible picket line demonstrate support cause. used when 1 workplace being picketed or symbolically or practically important workplace. due numbers involved, mass picket may turn potentially unlawful blockade.

secondary picketing people picketing locations directly connected issue of protest. include component suppliers on picketed business relies, retail stores sell products company against being picketed, sister companies of company involved in dispute , private homes of company s management. in many jurisdictions, secondary pickets not have same civil law protection primary pickets.

an example of battle of saltley gate in 1972 in britain, when striking miners picketed coke works in birmingham , later joined thousands of workers other industries in local area. tactic of secondary picketing outlawed in united kingdom conservative party government of margaret thatcher in mid-1980s, labour opposition led neil kinnock pushing legalised in before 1987 general election. however, such plans had been dropped time labour returned power under tony blair in 1997.

another tactic organise highly-mobile pickets, can turn @ of company s locations on short notice. flying pickets particularly effective against multifacility businesses otherwise pursue legal prior restraint , shift operations among facilities if location of picket known certainty ahead of time. first recorded use of flying pickets during 1969 miners strike in britain.

picketing used pressure groups across political spectrum. in particular, picketing has been employed religious groups such westboro baptist church picket variety of stores or events consider sinful.


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