Subsidiaries Viaspace

1 subsidiaries

1.1 direct methanol fuel cell corporation
1.2 viaspace green energy
1.3 ionfinity

direct methanol fuel cell corporation

for alternative energy market, viaspace subsidiary direct methanol fuel cell corporation develops , manufactures disposable fuel cartridges fuel cell powered electronic devices such notebook computers, mobile phones , military systems. caltech , usc equity shareholders in dmfcc , receive royalties on sales. dmfcc owns 65 issued , 33 pending patents related fuel cells.

laws forbidding methanol , other fuels onboard aircraft has deterred large oems proceeding commercialization of fuel cell powered devices. regulation , safety standards of fuel cells 1 cause of long delay roll out of direct methanol fuel cell powered devices. decisions allow direct methanol fuel cells onboard aircraft enhance future prospect of viaspace.

viaspace green energy

for renewable energy markets, subsidiary, viaspace green energy, cultivating giant king grass, proprietary, fast-growing perennial grass production of liquid biofuels transportation, , renewable substitute or replacement coal heat source in stationary electricity generating power plants. june 2010, company had 279 acres (113 ha) of land under cultivation.


through subsidiary ionfinity, viaspace involved in collaborations caltech , nasa s jet propulsion laboratory develop , commercialize new sensor technology can detect small amounts of hazardous materials such explosives, chemical/biological weapons, toxic gases , drugs. ionfinity s sensors based on mass spectrometry technology. ionfinity partnered general dynamics corp., sionex corp., , imaginative technologies llc.


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