Evolution and ethics Social effects of evolutionary theory

thomas huxley, darwin s bulldog, spent of book evolution , ethics debunking social darwinism, piece piece. following summary of arguments in prolegomena, detailed , comprehensive of 2 sections devoted it. should noted huxley here attempting disprove science behind social darwinism; such, moral arguments come in later in essay.

consider garden. without constant upkeep, return state of nature, walls surrounding crumbling in sufficient time, constant diligence of gardener, may maintained in state of art. state of art not permanent: instead replacement of natural selection artificial selection through human energy expended in maintaining it.

this artificial selection is, however, part of natural selection: action upon set of species human species way of human species expending energy through evolved intelligence on choice of selection. no less natural than, example, predator expending energy through evolved instinct on preferentially hunting prey species. presence of humans may change dynamic, in natural way. hence, part of cosmic process, natural laws, though histological process may remove many aspects of struggle existence key part of natural laws apply biology, preferred plant species substituting human work work done species itself.

not state of nature hostile state of art of garden; principle of horticultural process, latter created , maintained, antithetic of cosmic process. characteristic feature of latter intense , unceasing competition of struggle existence. characteristic of former elimination of struggle, removal of conditions give rise it. tendency of cosmic process bring adjustment of forms of plant life current conditions; tendency of horticultural process adjustment of conditions needs of forms of plant life gardener desires raise.

nature uses unrestricted breeding let hundreds compete natural resources support one, , uses frost , drought kill off weak , unlucky, requiring not strength, flexibility , fortune. however, gardener restricts multiplication, gives each plant sufficient space , nourishment, protects frost , drought—and, in every other way, attempts modify conditions benefit forms approach result desires. however, though gardener s actions may have circumvented natural selection, can still improve species, should find them wanting, through selective breeding. struggle existence not required improvement: heritability, variation, , form of selective pressure.

can apply humans? let s see how far can take analogy respect colonization:

suppose shipload of english colonists sent form settlement, in such country tasmania in middle of last century. on landing, find in midst of state of nature, different left behind them in general physical conditions. common plants, common birds , quadrupeds, totally distinct men seen on side of globe come. colonists proceed put end state of things on large area desire occupy. clear away native vegetation, extirpate or drive out animal population, far may necessary, , take measures defend re-immigration of either. in place, introduce english grain , fruit trees; english dogs, sheep, cattle, horses; , english men; in fact, set new flora , fauna , new variety of mankind, within old state of nature. farms , pastures represent garden on great scale, , gardeners have keep up, in watchful antagonism old regime. considered whole, colony composite unit introduced old state of nature; and, thenceforward, competitor in struggle existence, conquer or vanquished.

under conditions supposed, there no doubt of result, if work of colonists carried out energetically , intelligent combination of forces. on other hand, if slothful, stupid, , careless; or if waste energies in contests 1 another, chances old state of nature have best of it. native savage destroy immigrant civilized man; of english animals , plants extirpated indigenous rivals, others pass feral state , become components of state of nature. in few decades, other traces of settlement have vanished.

however, yet lack organized gardener. let imagine idealized one: administrative authority of intelligence , foresight greater men men livestock. unwanted native species - men, animals, or plants - weeded out , destroyed. replace them chosen view ideal of colony, gardener tries create through selection ideal garden. and, finally, ensure no struggle existence between colonists interferes struggle against nature, provides them sufficient food, housing, , on. every step of progress in civilization, colonists become more , more independent of state of nature; more , more, lives conditioned state of art. in order attain ends, administrator have avail himself of courage, industry, , co-operative intelligence of settlers; , plain interest of community best served increasing proportion of persons possess such qualities, , diminishing of persons devoid of them. in other words, selection directed towards ideal.

however, though might create paradise every aspect of nature works support colonists, problems arise: colonists began multiply, administrator have face tendency reintroduction of cosmic struggle artificial fabric, in consequence of competition, not merely commodities, means of existence. when colony reached limit of possible expansion, surplus population must disposed of somehow; or fierce struggle existence must recommence , destroy peace, fundamental condition of maintenance of state of art against state of nature.

if administrator guided purely scientific considerations, work restrict population removing hopelessly diseased, infirm aged, weak or deformed in body or in mind, , excess of infants born, gardener pulls defective , superfluous plants, or breeder destroys undesirable cattle. strong , healthy, matched, view progeny best adapted purposes of administrator, permitted perpetuate kind.

and have reached social darwinism. however, not have idealized administrator:

of more thoroughgoing of multitudinous attempts apply principles of cosmic evolution, or supposed such, social , political problems, have appeared of late years, considerable proportion appear me based upon notion human society competent furnish, own resources, administrator of kind have imagined. pigeons, in short, own sir john sebright. despotic government, whether individual or collective, endowed preternatural intelligence, , what, afraid, many consider preternatural ruthlessness, required purpose of carrying out principle of improvement selection, drastic thoroughness upon success of method depends. experience not justify in limiting ruthlessness of individual saviors of society ; and, on well-known grounds of aphorism denies both body , soul corporations, seems probable (indeed belief not without support in history) collective despotism, mob got believe in own divine right demagogic missionaries, capable of more thorough work in direction single tyrant, puffed same illusion, has ever achieved. intelligence affair. fact saviors of society take trade evidence enough have none spare. , such possess sold capitalists of physical force on resources depend. however, doubt whether keenest judge of character, if had before him hundred boys , girls under fourteen, pick out, least chance of success, should kept, serviceable members of polity, , should chloroformed, equally sure stupid, idle, or vicious. points of or of bad citizen far harder discern of puppy or short-horn calf; many not show before practical difficulties of life stimulate manhood full exertion. , time mischief done. evil stock, if one, has had time multiply, , selection nullified.

however, humans not cattle, nor flowers: organization of human society kept by

...bonds of such singular character, attempt perfect society after fashion run serious risk of loosening them. not correspond social insects such bees: bees, members of society each organically predestined performance of 1 particular class of functions only. if endowed desires, each desire perform none offices organization specially fits it; , which, in view of of whole, proper should do. among mankind, on contrary, there no such predestination sharply defined place in social organism. men may differ in quality of intellects, intensity of passions, , delicacy of sensations, cannot said 1 fitted organization agricultural laborer , nothing else, , landowner , nothing else. moreover, enormous differences in natural endowment, men agree in 1 thing, , innate desire enjoy pleasures , escape pains of life; and, in short, nothing pleases them do, without least reference welfare of society born, checked sympathy, familial , social bonds, , fear of judgment of ones fellow man. every forward step of social progress brings men closer relations fellows, , increases importance of pleasures , pains derived sympathy.

in short, describes creation of morality.

since morality keeps desire selfishness in check, necessary propagation of society, 1 requirement: punishment of wrongdoers being necessary continuation of society, self-restraint must not taken far wrongdoers may act unrestrained: without protection of society against them, followers of golden rule may indulge in hopes of heaven, must reckon certainty other people masters of earth.

huxley sums section of argument against social darwinism:

i have further shown cause belief direct selection, after fashion of horticulturist , breeder, neither has played, nor can play, important part in evolution of society; apart other reasons, because not see how such selection practiced without serious weakening, may destruction, of bonds hold society together. strikes me men accustomed contemplate active or passive extirpation of weak, unfortunate, , superfluous; justify conduct on ground has sanction of cosmic process, , way of ensuring progress of race; who, if consistent, must rank medicine among black arts , count physician mischievous preserver of unfit; on matrimonial undertakings principles of stud have chief influence; whole lives, therefore, education in noble art of suppressing natural affection , sympathy, not have large stock of these commodities left. but, without them, there no conscience, nor restraint on conduct of men, except calculation of self-interest, balancing of present gratifications against doubtful future pains; , experience tells how worth. every day, see firm believers in hell of theologians commit acts which, believe when cool, risk eternal punishment; while hold opposed sympathies of associates.

huxley finishes series of short, further evidences against social darwinism, including:

historical evidences against: consider vast changes of society between tudor , victorian eras; however, human nature, evidenced writing, remains same. in belief, innate qualities, physical, intellectual, , moral, of our nation have remained substantially same last 4 or 5 centuries. if struggle existence has affected serious extent (and doubt it) has been, indirectly, through our military , industrial wars other nations.
whether qualities virtues or vices depends on circumstance: benevolence , open-handed generosity adorn rich man, may make pauper of poor one; energy , courage successful soldier owes rise, cool , daring subtlety great financier owes fortune, may easily, under unfavorable conditions, lead possessors gallows, or hulks. moreover, probable children of failure receive other parent little modification of character makes difference. wonder whether people, talk freely extirpating unfit, ever dispassionately consider own history. surely, 1 must fit, indeed, not know of occasion, or perhaps two, in 1 s life, when have been easy qualify place among unfit.

evolution , ethics @ project gutenberg

^ evolution , ethics thomas henry huxley
^ fallacious nature of reductio ad hitlerum arguments anti-evolutionists.
^ webpage containing 129 mein kampf quotes relating christianity
^ religion , hitler - history
^ huxley credits hartley (observations on man (1749), vol. ii p. 281.) not having ...laid foundations built of superstructure of true theory of evolution of intellectual , moral faculties , having realized creation of civilization in create ethics, if not in evolutionary context. adam smith


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