Diversion to Constantinople Fourth Crusade

1 diversion constantinople

1.1 siege of july 1203
1.2 further attacks on constantinople
1.3 sack of constantinople

diversion constantinople

dandolo preaching crusade gustave doré

the commercial rivalry between republic of venice , byzantine empire , living memory of massacre of latins did exacerbate feeling of animosity among venetians towards byzantines. according chronicle of novgorod doge enrico dandolo had been blinded byzantines during 1171 expedition byzantium , held personal enmity towards byzantines.

boniface of montferrat, meanwhile, had left fleet before sailed venice, visit cousin philip of swabia. reasons visit matter of debate; may have realized venetians plans , left avoid excommunication, or may have wanted meet byzantine prince alexios iv angelos, philip s brother-in-law , son of deposed byzantine emperor isaac ii angelos. alexios iv had fled philip in 1201 unknown whether or not boniface knew @ philip s court. there, alexios iv offered pay entire debt owed venetians, give 200,000 silver marks crusaders, 10,000 byzantine professional troops crusade, maintenance of 500 knights in holy land, service of byzantine navy transport crusader army egypt, , placement of eastern orthodox church under authority of pope, if sail byzantium , topple reigning emperor alexios iii angelos, brother of isaac ii. tempting offer, enterprise short on funds, reached leaders of crusade on 1 january 1203 wintered @ zara. doge dandolo fierce supporter of plan; however, in earlier capacity ambassador byzantium , knew finer details of how byzantine politics worked, knew promises false , there no hope of byzantine emperor raising money promised, let alone raising troops , giving church holy see. count boniface agreed , alexios iv returned marquess rejoin fleet @ corfu after had sailed zara. of rest of crusade s leaders, encouraged bribes dandolo, accepted plan well. however, there dissenters. led reynold of montmirail, refused take part in scheme attack constantinople sailed on syria. remaining fleet of 60 war galleys, 100 horse transports, , 50 large transports (the entire fleet manned 10,000 venetian oarsmen , marines) sailed in late april 1203. in addition, 300 siege engines brought along on board fleet. hearing of decision, pope hedged , issued order against more attacks on christians unless actively hindering crusader cause, did not condemn scheme outright.

when fourth crusade arrived @ constantinople on 23 june 1203, city had population of approximately 500,000 people, garrison of 15,000 men (including 5,000 varangians), , fleet of 20 galleys. both political , financial reasons, permanent garrison of constantinople had been limited relatively small force, made of elite guard , other specialist units. @ previous times in byzantine history when capital had come under direct threat, had been possible assemble reinforcements frontier , provincial forces. on occasion, suddenness of danger posed fourth crusade put defenders @ serious disadvantage. main objective of crusaders place alexios iv on byzantine throne receive rich payments had promised them. conon of bethune delivered ultimatum lombard envoy sent emperor alexios iii angelos, pretender s uncle , had seized throne pretender s father isaac ii. citizens of constantinople not concerned cause of deposed emperor , exiled son; hereditary right of succession had never been adopted empire , palace coup between brothers not considered illegitimate in way have been in west. first crusaders attacked , repulsed cities of chalcedon , chrysopolis, suburbs of great city. won cavalry skirmish in outnumbered, defeating 500 byzantines 80 frankish knights.

siege of july 1203

the crusader attack on constantinople, venetian manuscript of geoffreoy de villehardouin s history, c. 1330

to take city force, crusaders first needed cross bosphorus. 200 ships, horse transports, , galleys delivered crusading army across narrow strait, alexios iii had lined byzantine army in battle formation along shore, north of suburb of galata. crusader knights charged straight out of horse transports, , byzantine army fled south. crusaders followed , attacked tower of galata, held northern end of massive chain blocked access golden horn. laid siege tower, byzantines counterattacked initial success. crusaders rallied, , byzantines retreated tower, crusaders able follow soldiers through gate , took tower. golden horn lay open crusaders, , venetian fleet entered. crusaders sailed alongside constantinople 10 galleys display would-be alexios iv, walls of city citizens taunted puzzled crusaders, had been led believe rise welcome young pretender alexios liberator.

on 11 july, crusaders took positions opposite palace of blachernae on northwest corner of city. first attempts repulsed, on 17 july, 4 divisions attacking land walls while venetian fleet attacked sea walls golden horn, venetians took section of wall of 25 towers, while varangian guard held off crusaders on land wall. varangians shifted meet new threat, , venetians retreated under screen of fire. fire destroyed 120 acres (0.49 km) of city , left 20,000 people homeless.

alexios iii took offensive action, leading 17 divisions st. romanus gate, vastly outnumbering crusaders. alexios iii s army of 8,500 men faced crusaders 7 divisions (about 3,500 men), courage failed, , byzantine army returned city without fight. unforced retreat , effects of fire damaged morale, , disgraced alexios iii abandoned subjects, slipping out of city , fleeing mosynopolis in thrace. imperial officials deposed runaway emperor , restored isaac ii, robbing crusaders of pretext attack. crusaders in quandary of having achieved stated aim while being debarred actual objective, namely reward younger alexios had (unbeknownst byzantines) promised them. crusaders insisted recognize authority of isaac ii if son raised co-emperor, , on 1 august latter crowned alexios angelos iv, co-emperor.

further attacks on constantinople

capture of constantinople fourth crusade in 1204

alexios iv realised promises hard keep. alexios iii had managed flee 1,000 pounds of gold , priceless jewels, leaving imperial treasury short on funds. @ point young emperor ordered destruction , melting of valuable byzantine , roman icons in order extract gold , silver, raise 100,000 silver marks. in eyes of greeks knew of decision, shocking sign of desperation , weak leadership, deserved punished god. byzantine historian nicetas choniates characterized turning point towards decline of roman state .

forcing populace destroy icons @ behest of army of foreign schismatics did not endear alexios iv citizens of constantinople. in fear of life, co-emperor asked crusaders renew contract 6 months, end april 1204. alexios iv led 6,000 men crusader army against rival alexios iii in adrianople. during co-emperor s absence in august, rioting broke out in city , number of latin residents killed. in retaliation armed venetians , other crusaders entered city golden horn , attacked mosque (constantinople @ time had sizable muslim population), defended muslim , byzantine residents. in order cover retreat westerners instigated great fire , burnt 19 21 august, destroying large part of constantinople , leaving estimated 100,000 homeless.

in january 1204, blinded , incapacitated isaac ii died, of natural causes. opposition son , co-emperor alexios iv had grown during preceding months of tension , spasmodic violence in , around constantinople. byzantine senate elected young noble nicolas canabus emperor, in 1 of last known acts of ancient institution. declined appointment , sought church sanctuary.

a nobleman alexios doukas (nicknamed mourtzouphlos) became leader of anti-crusader faction within byzantine leadership. while holding court rank of protovestilarios, doukas had led byzantine forces during initial clashes crusaders, winning respect both military , populace. accordingly well-placed move against increasingly isolated alexios iv, whom overthrew, imprisoned, , had strangled in february. doukas crowned emperor alexios v. moved have city fortifications strengthened , summoned additional forces city.

the crusaders , venetians, incensed @ murder of supposed patron, demanded mourtzouphlos honour contract alexios iv had promised. when byzantine emperor refused, crusaders assaulted city once again. on 8 april alexios v s army put strong resistance, did discourage crusaders. byzantines hurled large projectiles onto enemy siege engines, shattering many of them. bad weather conditions serious hindrance crusaders. fierce wind blew shore , prevented of ships drawing close enough walls launch assault. 5 of wall s towers engaged , none of these secured; mid-afternoon evident attack had failed.

the latin clergy discussed situation amongst , settled upon message wished spread through demoralised army. had convince men events of 9 april not god s judgment on sinful enterprise: campaign, argued, righteous , proper belief succeed. concept of god testing determination of crusaders through temporary setbacks familiar means clergy explain failure in course of campaign. clergy s message designed reassure , encourage crusaders. argument attack on constantinople spiritual revolved around 2 themes. first, greeks traitors , murderers since had killed rightful lord, alexios iv. churchmen used inflammatory language , claimed greeks worse jews , , invoked authority of god , pope take action.

although innocent iii had again demanded not attack, papal letter suppressed clergy, , crusaders prepared own attack, while venetians attacked sea. alexios v s army stayed in city fight, along imperial bodyguard, varangians, alexios v himself fled during night. attempt made find further replacement emperor amongst byzantine nobility, situation had become chaotic either of 2 candidates came forward find sufficient support.

sack of constantinople

the entry of crusaders constantinople (eugène delacroix, 1840). infamous action of fourth crusade sack of orthodox christian city of constantinople.

on 12 april 1204, weather conditions favoured crusaders. strong northern wind aided venetian ships in coming close walls, , after short battle approximately seventy crusaders managed enter city. able knock holes in walls, large enough few knights @ time crawl through; venetians successful @ scaling walls sea, though there fighting varangians. anglo-saxon axe bearers had been amongst effective of city s defenders, attempted negotiate higher wages byzantine employers, before dispersing or surrendering. crusaders captured blachernae section of city in northwest , used base attack rest of city. while attempting defend wall of fire, however, burned more of city. second fire left 15,000 people homeless. crusaders took city on 13 april.

the crusaders sacked constantinople 3 days, during many ancient greco-roman , medieval byzantine works of art stolen or ruined. many of civilian population of city killed , property looted. despite threat of excommunication, crusaders destroyed, defiled , looted city s churches , monasteries. said total amount looted constantinople 900,000 silver marks. venetians received 150,000 silver marks due, while crusaders received 50,000 silver marks. further 100,000 silver marks divided evenly between crusaders , venetians. remaining 500,000 silver marks secretly kept many crusader knights.

speros vryonis in byzantium , europe gives vivid account of sack:

the latin soldiery subjected greatest city in europe indescribable sack. 3 days murdered, raped, looted , destroyed on scale ancient vandals , goths have found unbelievable. constantinople had become veritable museum of ancient , byzantine art, emporium of such incredible wealth latins astounded @ riches found. though venetians had appreciation art discovered (they semi-byzantines) , saved of it, french , others destroyed indiscriminately, halting refresh wine, violation of nuns, , murder of orthodox clerics. crusaders vented hatred greeks spectacularly in desecration of greatest church in christendom. smashed silver iconostasis, icons , holy books of hagia sophia, , seated upon patriarchal throne whore sang coarse songs drank wine church s holy vessels. estrangement of east , west, had proceeded on centuries, culminated in horrible massacre accompanied conquest of constantinople. greeks convinced turks, had taken city, not have been cruel latin christians. defeat of byzantium, in state of decline, accelerated political degeneration byzantines became easy prey turks. fourth crusade , crusading movement resulted, ultimately, in victory of islam, result of course exact opposite of original intention.

when innocent iii heard of conduct of pilgrims filled shame , rage, , rebuked them.

according subsequent treaty, empire apportioned between venice , leaders of crusade, , latin empire of constantinople established. boniface not elected new emperor, although citizens seemed consider him such; venetians thought had many connections former empire because of brother, renier of montferrat, had been married maria komnene, empress in 1170s , 1180s. instead placed baldwin of flanders on throne. boniface went on found kingdom of thessalonica, vassal state of new latin empire. venetians founded duchy of archipelago in aegean sea. meanwhile, byzantine refugees founded own successor states, notable of these being empire of nicaea under theodore laskaris (a relative of alexios iii), empire of trebizond, , despotate of epirus.


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