Sacramento News .26 Review News & Review

1 sacramento news & review

1.1 events

1.1.1 sacramento area music awards
1.1.2 interfaith

1.2 noted stories
1.3 selected awards
1.4 controversy

sacramento news & review

the sacramento news & review (sn&r), founded in 1989, largest of 3 news & review papers, cumulative readership of 330,000 people, according winter 2015 media audit report, run international demographics. founding editor melinda welsh; paper s current editor eric johnson.

its well-known annual issues are:

best of, annual issue results of readers poll , editors choices of best places, people , things in sacramento
summer guide & winter guide, seasonal guides during each season in , around sacramento
sammies (sacramento area music awards), annual issue profiling readers , critics choice best bands , musicians

in 2013, grant sacramento emergency foodlink allowed sn&r conduct independent research, reporting , distribution of articles on subject of poverty in sacramento region november 2012 october 2013.

the paper noted last place of employment of investigative journalist gary webb, began working @ paper after dark alliance scandal. webb allegedly committed suicide while working paper.

sacramento area music awards

in 1992, sacramento news & review started sacramento area music awards (sammies) honor , promote growing music scene in sacramento. winners selected sn&r readers in list of musical genres, including folk rock, funk, hard rock, blues, punk , many more. critics vote winners in more specific areas, e.g. male/female vocalist, keyboardist, bassist, etc. winners of sammies include cake (band), deftones, oleander (band) , others.


on first anniversary of september 11th, sacramento news & review brought musical acts different faith groups around sacramento call unity event symbolize city s acceptance of racial , religious diversity. every year in region honored building unity award interfaith work in sacramento, until 2008, when last call unity event held.

in december 2015, news & review, in partnership sacramento s local habitat humanity, began build unity project, muslims, christians, , other faith groups came build habitat houses, in part response anti-muslim rhetoric of national politics. project funded in large part generous donations wide range of faith groups.

noted stories

heart of (gray) matter, 2004: joel davis diagnosed parkinson s disease, , wrote , award-winning first-person account of brain surgery underwent while conscious
breaking away, 2002: news & review led 30 weeklies in national effort cover issue of priests leave catholic church because can no longer live celibacy requirements
poor america, 1997: news & review led national effort of 90 weekly newspapers around country in conversation welfare reform , extreme poverty in nation
mainstream newspapers, r.i.p., 1996: cover story predicting decline of daily newspapers 2006, prediction has largely come true
what s chuck, 1996: award-winning investigative story curious relationship between big insurance , california insurance commissioner chuck quackenbush
free speech, 1994: issue culmination of five-month censorship battle right-wing group, american family association

selected awards

1st place in general excellence, best investigative reporting, best front page (tabloid), coverage of local government in 2015, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in best feature story, best page layout in 2014, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in investigative reporting, artistic photo in 2013, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in feature writing, arts & entertainment coverage, business/financial story, sports story, special issue in 2011, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in general excellence, freedom of information, best website, editorial cartoon, writing in 2008, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in illustration in 2005, association of alternative newsmedia
2nd place in cover design in 2004, association of alternative newsmedia
1st place in general excellence in 1997, california newspaper publishers association
1st place in investigative reporting in 1996 story california s secret stash curt guyette, association of alternative newsmedia


in 2015, after learning mayor kevin johnson used private email account staff while in public office, sacramento news & review issued freedom of information request gain access (then) mayor kevin johnson s emails. attorney city deemed emails public property, instead of handing them over, mayor moved sue sacramento news & review , city of sacramento. in response lawsuit, sacramento news & review published cover story where, according statement, cartoon depicts kevin johnson sweaty , nervous while reading lawsuit against paper , allegations of email misuse. betty williams, former president of sacramento s local naacp , longtime associate of kevin johnson, released statement criticizing paper racially biased news coverage of mayor, referring cartoon portrayal of mayor. lawsuit , allegations of racially biased news coverage attracted attention of deadspin began covering story, bringing national attention many allegations against kevin johnson, including allegations of sexual assault , harassment. national attention put pressure on espn not air film praising kevin johnson s work in sacramento sacramento kings , new downtown arena. after espn pulled film, kevin johnson announced not seeking term mayor of city of sacramento. in march 2016, news & review recognized james madison freedom of information awards significant contributions advancing freedom of information legal battle obtain sacramento mayor kevin johnson s emails.


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