The cards Briscola

a set of neapolitan cards modiano.

a deck of italian cards consists of forty cards, divided 4 suits: coins (denari in italian, , suns or sunbursts), swords (spade), cups (coppe) , clubs (sometimes batons, bats or bastoni). values on cards range numerically 1 through seven, plus 3 face cards in each suit: knave (fante in italian), knight (cavallo in italian), , king (re in italian). knave lone human figure standing. knight human figure riding horse. king human figure wearing crown. determine face value of numeric card, count number of suit icons on card. ace card of coins type of bird circle in middle.

below table identifying card rank , point values. unlisted cards have no point value, , ranked in descending ordinal value, 7 two. note odd ranking of three.

in total, deck has 120 points. win game, player must accumulate more points other player. if 2 players (teams) have same number of points (60) game played determine winner.


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