Neolithic Steppe Route

reclining female : neolithic terracotta, c. 5600 bce (turkey)

the acquaintance food-producing economy in pontocaspian steppe assigned period. transition food-gathering food-producing economy through farming , stock-keeping, led profound social , cultural change. hunting , river fishing have continued play significant role in subsistence, in forest-steppe areas. transition animal husbandry played critical role in history of rise of human society, , significant contributor neolithic revolution . simultaneously, new way of life emerged construction of more comfortable settlements plant , animal domestication, craft activities (resulting in wide use of ornaments) , burial practices, including erection of first burial mounds in eneolithic period (the transition between neolithic , bronze age).

the inner eurasian steppelands occupied, possibly since fourth millennium bce, nomadic communities practicing extensive forms of horse pastoralism, wandering place places. ensured contacts , influence extend on large areas. earliest evidence small horse riding comes sredny stog communities of east ukraine , south russia domestication of bactrian camel date c. 4000 bce. 2 humps heavy load carrier 1 of adaptive animals in world capable withstand temperatures 40 °c -30 °c. recent archeological excavations (2012) dispel notions nomadic societies less developed many sedentary ones. on east of eurasia, agriculture started indo-european communities (tocharians) established in tarīm basin (northwest china) around 4000 bce. on west part of eurasia, writing revolution, dated same epoch originated accounting in primitive way , developed sumerian concern leave messages afterlife. in inner china must represented half of territory of prc i.e. excluding manchuria, mongolia, xinjiang , qinghai-tibet plateau association of loosely connected macro-regions , there have been discoveries of tortoise-shell carvings (e.g. jiahu symbols) dating c. 6200-6600 bce. now, qualify more symbols rather evidence of systematic writing. writing , accounting (calculus) have started independently on various areas of eurasia (mediterranean, sumer , mesopotamia) appears have spread relatively fast alongside route.


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