Further reading Cinema of Germany

bergfelder, tim, et al. eds. german cinema book (2008)
blaney, martin. symbiosis or confrontation? (bonn, 1992)
brockman, stephen. critical history of german film (2011)
garncarz, joseph, , annemone ligensa, eds. cinema of germany (wallflower press, distributed columbia university press; 2012) 264 pages; analyses of 24 works silent movies such contemporary films bye, lenin!
hake, sabine. german national cinema (2002; 2nd ed. 2008)
heiduschke, sebastian. east german cinema: defa , film history (2013)
hoffman, kay 1990 ende video – video ende? berlin
kapczynski, jennifer m. , michael d. richardson, eds. (2012) new history of german cinema (rochester camden house, 2012) 673 pp. online review
kracauer, siegfried. (2004) caligari hitler: psychological history of german film. princeton: univ. of princeton press. isbn 0-691-11519-2
schneider, irmela 1990 film, fernsehen & co. heidelberg.
fay, jennifer. 2008. theaters of occupation: hollywood , reeducation of postwar germany. minneapolis: univ. of minnesota press. isbn 978-0-8166-4745-3


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