The .22many years.22 and the anointing Coronation of the Russian monarch

the metropolitan reads prayer alexander ii.

after crowning of consort, newly crowned tsar retrieved orb , sceptre, while cathedral choir intoned orthodox prayer many years of health , long, prosperous reign both tsar , tsaritsa. accompanied ringing of bells , 101-gun salute outside cathedral. kneeling, tsar again handed orb , sceptre attendant, recited prayer. following this, rose feet, while presiding bishop , others present knelt pray him on behalf of russian people while choir sang: praise thee, o god .

the text of tsar s prayer read follows:

lord god of our fathers, , king of kings, created things thy word, , thy wisdom has made man, should walk uprightly , rule righteously on thy world; thou hast chosen me tsar , judge on thy people. acknowledge thy unsearchable purpose towards me, , bow in thankfulness before thy majesty. thou, lord , governor, fit me work thou hast sent me; teach me , guide me in great service. may there me wisdom belongs thy throne; send thy holy heaven, may know well-pleasing in thy sight, , right according thy commandment. may heart in thy hand, accomplish profit of people commietted charge , thy glory, in day of thy judgment may give thee account of stewardship without blame; through grace , mercy of thy son, once crucified us, whom honor , glory thee , holy spirit, giver of life, unto ages of ages. amen.

the emperor set aside crown , orthodox divine liturgy followed. anointing portion of ceremony took place during liturgy, prior communion. after singing of communion hymn, tsar gave sword attendant , , tsaritsa ascended ambo in front of royal doors of iconostasis, thrown open @ moment. there each anointed holy chrism patriarch or metropolitan. tsar anointed on forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, breast , both sides of each hand, stepped aside right , stood in front of icon of christ. consort stepped forward , anointed on forehead only, stepped left , stood before icon of theotokos. each anointing accompanied words, seal of gift of holy spirit. bells , second 101-gun salvo ensued.

after anointing, prior partaking of holy communion, tsar recited coronation oath, in swore preserve autocracy intact , rule realm justice , fairness. russia s last tsar, nicholas ii, refer coronation oath 1 reason not give in demands liberal constitution , parliamentary government. metropolitan next escorted tsar through royal doors (normally permitted deacons, priests or bishops) altar, tsar partook of bread , wine separately, in clerical fashion. time tsar—or orthodox layperson—was ever permitted receive communion in manner. unlike tsar, tsaritsa remained outside royal doors , communicated in standard orthodox lay fashion, receiving both bread , wine on spoon.

homage alexander ii


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