In opposition (2008–2013) Nawaz Sharif

1 in opposition (2008–2013)

1.1 by-elections
1.2 musharraf impeachment
1.3 lawyers movement
1.4 removal of bar on third term

in opposition (2008–2013)

his party had joined coalition led ppp alliance had been strained differences on fate of judges musharraf dismissed last year , on how handle unpopular president. sharif won public support uncompromising stand against musharraf , insistence judges reinstated. coalition forced musharraf s resignation. pressured zardari reinstatement of judges removed musharraf in emergency rule. led courts cleansing sharif of criminal record rendering him eligible re-enter parliament.


in june 2008 by-elections, sharif s party won 91 national assembly seats , 180 provincial assembly seats in punjab. lahore seat election postponed because of wrangling on whether sharif eligible contest.

musharraf impeachment

nawaz sharif hillary clinton in 2010.

on 7 august 2008, coalition government agreed impeach musharraf. zardari , sharif sent formal request him step down. charge-sheet had been drafted, , presented parliament. included mr musharraf s first seizure of power in 1999—at expense of nawaz sharif, pml(n) s leader, whom mr musharraf imprisoned , exiled—and second last november, when declared emergency means re-elected president. charge-sheet listed of mr musharraf s contributions war on terror .

on 11 august, national assembly summoned discuss impeachment proceedings. on 18 august 2008, musharraf resigned president of pakistan due mounting political pressure impeachment proceedings. on 19 august 2008, musharraf defended nine-year rule in hour-long speech.

nawaz sharif claimed former dictator pervez musharraf responsible current crisis nation facing now. musharraf pushed country s economy 20 years after imposing martial law in country , ousting democratic government, said.

lawyers movement

sharif , zardari supported reinstatement of judges suspended musharraf in march 2007. musharraf had dismissed 60 judges under state of emergency , chief justice iftikhar chaudhry in failed bid remain in power. sharif had championed cause of judges since dismissal. new government succeeded musharraf had campaigned on reinstatement had failed restore judges . led collapse of coalition government in late 2008 due zardari s erstwhile refusal reinstate sacked judge. zardari feared chaudhry undo edicts instated musharraf including amnesty had received corruption charges.

long march led nawaz sharif moving through ferozepur road, lahore.

on 25 february 2009, supreme court disqualified nawaz sharif , shahbaz sharif, chief minister of punjab, holding public office. zardari dismissed provincial legislature , declared president s rule in punjab. lawyers , citizen s groups in pakistan, civil activists, , coalition of political parties planning take streets in protest march started on 13 march 2009. zardari attempted place sharif under house arrest on 15 march 2009, provincial police disappeared same day house after angry crowd gathered outside. punjab police decision free sharif confinement in response army command. sharif, large contingent of suvs, began leading march islamabad ended march in gujranwala. in televised morning speech on 16 march 2009, prime minister yusuf raza gilani promised reinstate iftikhar chaudhry after pressure pakistan s army, american , british envoys, , internal protests. ppp made secret agreement restore pml(n) government in punjab. sharif called off long march . ppp-led government continued survive. senior pml(n) leader had said 95% of members of pml(n) against becoming part of lawyers movement, after sc verdict, pml(n) had no other choice opt support movement.

removal of bar on third term

on 2 april 2010, 18th amendment bill in parliament removed bar on former prime ministers stand 2 terms in office. allows sharif become prime minister third time.


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