Gnosticism Jungian interpretation of religion

carl jung , associate g.r.s. mead worked on trying understand , explain gnostic faith psychological standpoint. jung s analytical psychology in many ways schematically mirrors ancient gnostic mythology, particularly of valentinus , classic gnostic doctrine described in detail in apocryphon of john (see gnostic schools).

jung understands emergence of demiurge out of original, unified monadic source of spiritual universe gradual stages analogous (and symbolic depiction of) emergence of ego unconscious

however, uncertain whether similarities between jung s psychological teachings , of gnostics due sharing perennial philosophy , or whether jung unwittingly influenced gnostics in formation of theories. jung s own gnostic hymn , septem sermones ad mortuos (the 7 sermons dead), tend imply latter, after circulating manuscript, jung declined publish during lifetime. since not clear whether jung displeased book or whether merely suppressed controversial, issue remains contested.

uncertain jung s belief gnostics aware of , intended psychological meaning or significance within myths.

on other hand, clear comparison of jung s writings , of ancient gnostics, jung disagreed them on ultimate goal of individual. gnostics in ancient times sought return supreme, other-worldly godhead. in study of jung, robert segal claimed eminent psychologist have found psychological interpretation of goal of ancient gnosticism (that is, re-unification pleroma, or unknown god) psychically dangerous , being total identification unconscious.

to contend there @ least disagreement between jung , gnosticism @ least supportable: jungian process of individuation involves addition of unconscious psychic tropes consciousness in order achieve trans-conscious centre personality. jung did not intend addition take form of complete identification of self unconscious.


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