Biography Antero de Quental

1 biography

1.1 life , childhood
1.2 coimbra years
1.3 unquiet maturity

early life , childhood

he born in ponta delgada on island of são miguel, in azores, 1 of oldest families of provincial captaincy system. antero baptized on 2 may 1842 (few days after birth), rejoicing of mother. parents, fernando de quental (solar ramalho; 10 may 1814 – são miguel island, ponta delgada, matriz; 7 march 1873), veteran portuguese liberal wars took part in landing of mindelo and, in liberal enthusiasm , wife ana guilhermina da maia (setúbal, 16 july 1811 – lisbon 28 november 1876), devout roman catholic. relative of frei bartolomeu de quental, founder of congregation of oratory in portugal.

he began write poetry @ age, chiefly, though not entirely, devoting himself sonnet. took french lessons under antónio feliciano de castilho, leading figure of portuguese romantic movement, resided in ponta delgada @ time. antero 7 when enrolled in liçeu açoriano (a private school), received english lessons mr. rendall, renowned prospector on island. in august 1852, moved mother portuguese capital, studied @ colégio pórtico, headmaster old tutor castilho. institution closed doors, , antero returned ponta delgada in 1853. on writing old headmaster, say:

your excellency once put-up me @ colégio pórtico when still ten years old, , confess owe great patience, little french have known until day.

throughout latter part of life quental dedicate studies poetry, politics , philosophy. 1855, @ age of 16, had returned lisbon, coimbra graduated colégio de são bento in 1857.

coimbra years

in fall of 1856 enrolled @ university of coimbra, studied law, manifesting first socialist ideals.

the important fact in life during years, , decisive one, sort of intellectual , moral revolution took place within myself, left poor child, pulled away patriarchal living of remote province immersed in placid historical slumber, towards middle of irrespective intellectual agitation of urban center, newly found currents of modern spirit come more or less recuperate. catholic , traditional upbringing swept away instantly, fell state of doubt , uncertainty, ever more pungent i, naturally religious spirit, had been born believe placidly , obey without effort unknown rule. found myself without direction, terrible state of mind, shared more or less of generation, first 1 in portugal ever leave old road of tradition decision , awareness. if add burning imagination, nature had blessed me in excess, awakening of loving passions known manhood, turbulence , petulance, enthusiasms , discouragements of meridional temperament, lot of faith , severe lack of patience , method, , portrait of qualities , defects i, @ 18 years old, penetrated in vast world of thought , poetry, shall drawn.

he distinguished himself oral , written talents, turbulent , eccentric nature. while in coimbra, founded sociedade raio, pretended promote literature masses, launched blasphemous challenges religion.

in 1861, published first sonnets. 4 years later, published odes modernas, influenced socialist experimentalism of proudhon, championed intellectual revolution. during year conflict (which later known questão coimbrã) develop between traditionalist poets, championed antónio feliciano de castilho (at time chief living poet of elder generation), , group of students (which included antero quintal, teófilo braga, viera de castro, ramalho ortigão, guerra junqueiro, eça de queiros, oliveira martins, jaime batalha reis , guilherme de azevedo, among others). contact nation s cultural , literary elite, liberal , progressives in academia, did not identify aesthetic formalism in literature of day. accusing modernist group of poetic exhibitionism, obscurity, , lack of sense , taste, castilho attacked modernist poets instigating intellectual revolution. in response, antero published bom senso e bom gosto, dignidade das letras , literaturas oficiais in defended independence, pointing mission of poets in era of great transformation, necessity of being messengers of great ideological questions of day, , included ridiculousness , insignificance of castilho s style of poetry under circumstances. gave rise 1865 controversy known coimbra question , , groups reference 70s generation opposed ultra-romantic group of antónio feliciano de castilho.

a late portrait of antero de quental columbano bordalo pinheiro

unquiet maturity

he traveled, engaged in political , socialist agitation, , found way through series of disappointments mild pessimism. strangely, animated latest poetry. in 1866 went live in lisbon, experimented proletarianism, worked typographer (at national press), job continued in paris (where went support french workers), between january , february 1867.

he briefly went united states, returned lisbon in 1868, formed cenáculo, along eça de queirós, guerra junqueiro , ramalho ortigão; intellectual group of anarchists against many of political, social , intellectual conventions of day.

paradoxically, founder of partido socialista português (portuguese socialist party). in 1869, founded newspaper, república - jornal da democracia portuguesa oliveira martins, , in 1872, along josé fontana, began edit magazine o pensamento social. in year of paris commune (1871) organized famous conferências casino (english: casino conferences), marked beginning of spread of socialist , anarchist ideas in portugal, distinguishing himself crusader republican ideals.

in 1873, inherited sizable amount of money, allowed him live reasonably. owing tuberculosis in following year, rested, returned re-edit odes modernas. moved oporto in 1879, , in 1886 published best poetic work, sonetos completos, included many passages considered autobiographical , symbolistic.

in 1880, adopted 2 daughters of friend, germano meireles, died in 1877. during trip paris became ill, , in september 1881, under counsel medic, began residing in vila conde, remained until may 1891 (with few intervals in azores , lisbon). time in vila conde considered author best of life. carolina michaelis de vasconcelos, friend, wrote of need end poetry , begin philosophical phase in writing, develop , synthesize philosophy, adding:

here beaches plentiful , beautiful, , through them travel or stretch in sun voluptuousness poets , lizards love sun...

in 1886, sonetos completos, collected , prefaced oliveira martins, published. between march , october 1887 returned azores, vila conde. spaniard, miguel de unamuno, considered them 1 of greatest examples of universal poetry, live long people have memories.

in reaction english ultimatum, on 11 january 1890, agreed preside on minor liga patriótica norte (english: northern patriotic league), although involvement ephemeral. when returned lisbon, stayed @ home of sister, ana de quental.

throughout life antero had oscillated between pessimism , depression; afflicted have been bipolar disorder, @ time of last trip lisbon in state of permanent depression, accentuated spinal disease. after 1 month in lisbon returned once again ponta delgada around june 1891. on september 11 of same year, @ approximately 20:00 pm, committed suicide double gunshot wound through mouth in bunk of local garden park on wall read word esperança (hope).

of things, worst having been born , wrote in poem.


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