Background Hitler oath

on day before president paul von hindenburg s death on august 2, 1934, hitler s cabinet had enacted law combining offices of chancellor (the head of government) , president (the head of state); adolf hitler henceforth known führer und reichskanzler (leader , chancellor) , both head of state , commander in chief of armed forces. day of hindenburg s death, cabinet ordered plebiscite august 19 german people approve combination of 2 offices.

although popular view hitler drafted oath himself , imposed on military, oath initiative of defence minister general werner von blomberg , general walther von reichenau, chief of ministerial office. indeed, hitler surprised oath. before hitler took office, military swore reichswehreid german constitution , president. intention of blomberg , reichenau in having military swear oath hitler create personal special bond between him , military, intended tie hitler more tightly towards military , away nsdap. years later, blomberg admitted did not think through full implications of oath @ time.

germany s voters went polls , 89.9% voted approval hitler assume complete power on germany. following day, august 20, 1934, cabinet decreed law on allegiance of civil servants , soldiers of armed forces , superseded original oaths. prior decree, both members of armed forces , civil servants had sworn loyalty people , fatherland (volk und vaterland); civil servants had additionally sworn uphold constitution , laws of germany. new law decreed instead, both members of armed forces , civil servants swear oath hitler personally.


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