Aftermath Trinity Chapel Complex

the cathedral in 2017

st. sava parishioners reunited few blocks away first sunday after fire @ gramercy park s episcopal calvary-st. george s parish church worship.

church officials indicate there plans rebuild @ current site. offers of support, including letter holiness patriarch bartholomew have been shared parishioners of church.

serbia s outgoing foreign minister ivica dačić indicated city of new york asked through diplomatic channels aid in rebuilding of church. indicated prime minister aleksandar vučić authorized him government rebuild church, because has great significance serbian community , serbian spirit in new york.

as of 2 days after fire, definitive cause of fire had not been determined. candles had not been extinguished after easter service identified cause, according spokesperson of new york city fire department (fdny). caretaker told fire marshals stowed candles in cardboard box under piece of wooden furniture in rear corner of 161-year-old church.

nearly month after fire fdny spokesman frank gribbon indicated conclusively that, fire marshals have ... determined candles, had not been extinguished, caused fire. city has ordered remains of church demolished, calling them unstable.

the buildings department clarified inspection not complete , had not ordered immediate demolition of building. in august 2016 parish announced building department ordered metal beams used shore walls , building covered waterproof canvas keep being damaged further elements. parish announced anticipate effort completed in september 2016.


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