Wars in the Balkans (1200–1203) Emeric, King of Hungary

the earliest depiction of Árpád stripes on emeric s seal

the Árpád stripes (four argent (silver) , 4 gules (red) stripes) on emeric s personal coat-of-arms

from around 1200, emeric involved in affairs of balkan peninsula. on 11 october 1200, pope innocent urged him take measures liquidate heretics in bosnia. upon emeric s request, pope refused send royal crown grand prince stephen of serbia. emeric invaded serbia in 1201 or 1202, , helped stephen s brother vukan seize throne. token of suzerainty on serbia, emeric became first hungarian monarch adopt title of king of serbia in 1202. first king use royal seal depicting so-called Árpád stripes , became part of coat of arms of hungary.

in summer of 1202, venetian doge enrico dandolo signed treaty leaders of fourth crusade, agreed venetians recapture zadar, town in dalmatia, had accepted hungarian monarchs suzerainty since 1186. though pope innocent iii forbade crusaders besiege zadar, seized town on 24 november , gave venetians. although pope excommunicated venetians , crusaders upon emeric s demand, zadar remained under venetian rule.

in fear of crusade emeric, ban kulin of bosnia held synod of church of bosnia @ bilino polje on 6 april 1203. synod acknowledged papal primacy , ordered reform of rites. kulin acknowledged emeric s suzerainty. in letter written in 1203, bulgarian tsar kaloyan informed pope innocent emeric had occupied 5 districts in bulgaria, , kaloyan demanded pope s intervention.


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