GNU variants GNU

gnewsense, example of fsf approved distribution

parabola gnu/linux-libre, example of fsf approved distribution uses rolling release model

the official kernel of gnu project gnu hurd microkernel; however, of 2012, linux kernel became officially part of gnu project in form of linux-libre, variant of linux proprietary components removed.

with april 30, 2015 release of debian gnu/hurd 2015 distro, gnu os provides components assemble operating system users can install , use on computer. includes gnu hurd kernel, in pre-production state. hurd status page states may not ready production use, there still bugs , missing features. however, should base further development , non-critical application usage.

due hurd not being ready production use, in practice these operating systems linux distributions. contain linux kernel, gnu components , software many other free software projects. looking @ program code contained in ubuntu linux distribution in 2011, gnu encompassed 8% , linux kernel 9%.

other kernels freebsd kernel work gnu software form working operating system. fsf maintains operating system built using linux kernel , gnu tools , utilities, should considered variant of gnu, , promotes term gnu/linux such systems (leading gnu/linux naming controversy). gnu project has endorsed linux distributions, such gnewsense, trisquel , parabola gnu/linux-libre. other gnu variants not use hurd kernel include debian gnu/kfreebsd , debian gnu/netbsd, bringing fruition plan of gnu on bsd kernel.


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