Family and life stages Romani society and culture

1 family , life stages

1.1 marriage , controversies
1.2 purity , death
1.3 child upbringing

family , life stages

a bridesmaid @ romani wedding in brno, czech republic (2006 photograph)

the traditional romanies place high value on extended family.

marriage , controversies

marriage in romani society underscores importance of family , demonstrates ties between different groups, transnationally. traditionally arranged marriage desired set up, parents of each family looking ideal partner child. parents force particular spouse on child, although being married mid twenties regarded norm. school, other marriages, , events popular environment finding prospective spouse, should supervised adult. emergence of social media such facebook , mobile phones, , education in women becoming more prominent, traditional , conservative views becoming less rigid. in roma groups, example finnish roma, idea of marriage ignored altogether.

traditionally, patriarchal society , virginity considered essential in unmarried women, because visible representation of girl s representation , honour of family. men , women marry young. romani practice of child marriage has generated controversy in many countries. in 2003, 1 of many self-styled romani kings , ilie tortică, prohibited marriage before parties of legal age in country of residence. romani patriarch, florin cioabă, ran afoul of romanian authorities in late 2003 when married off youngest daughter, ana-maria @ age of twelve, below legal marriageable age.

bride kidnapping thought traditional romani practice. girls young twelve years old may kidnapped marriage teenage boys. practice has been reported in ireland, england, czech republic, netherlands, bulgaria , slovakia. kidnapping has been seen way avoid bride price or way girl marry boy wants parents not want. tradition s normalisation of kidnapping puts young women @ higher risk of becoming victims of human trafficking.

the practices of bride kidnapping , child marriage not universally accepted throughout romani culture. romani women , men seek eliminate such customs.

romani customs establish groom s family must pay bride price bride s parents. romani social behaviour strictly regulated purity laws ( marime or marhime ) respected romanis , among sinti groups elder generations. regulation affects many aspects of life , applied actions, people, , things.

purity , death

parts of human body considered impure: genital organs, because produce impure emissions, , lower body. fingernails , toenails must filed emery board; cutting them clipper taboo.

clothes lower body, clothes of menstruating women, washed separately. items used eating washed in different place.

childbirth considered impure , must occur outside dwelling place; mother considered impure 40 days.

death seen impure , affects whole family of dead, may remain impure period after death; private items of dead considered impure , buried in his/her grave or given non-romani poor people. should noted impure not literal rather linked cleanliness.

many of these practices present in hindu cultures. however, unlike hindu practice of burning dead (there burial in hindu traditions well), romani culture requires dead must buried. notable deviations practice exist among german romanies , british romanichal, latter holding tradition of cremation similar of hindu cultures. until mid-20th century invariably burned deceased person , earthly belongings, including dwelling place, considered spiritually impure. during latter half of 20th century british romanichal began adopting burial customs of continental cousins. believed soul of deceased not officially enter heaven until after burial.

child upbringing

romani people incorporate values how raise children. there element of impurity placed upon both mother , father after mother gives birth. impurity lessened if child male , family considered “lucky”. traditionally, couple live father of groom until first child born. romani people place high value on extended family godparents, along other family, active in child’s life ensure well-being. romani parents raise child distance; not have set of moral rules guide them. child’s parents not have input in child eats throughout day, child relies on eating whatever happens come way.


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