Comparison to other linguistic classifications Impersonal verb

1 comparison other linguistic classifications

1.1 weather verb
1.2 impersonal pronoun
1.3 null objects
1.4 defective verb

comparison other linguistic classifications
weather verb

some linguists consider impersonal subject of weather verb dummy pronoun , while others interpret differently.

adjectives of 0 valence adjectives referring weather such winding , raining , on. in languages such mandarin chinese, weather verbs snow(s) take no subject or object.

impersonal pronoun

impersonal verbs take neither subject nor object, other null subject languages, again verb may show incorporated dummy pronouns despite lack of subject , object phrases.

as impersonal verbs, impersonal pronouns function without reference person in particular. in english, 1 can function in impersonal , objective manner.

one [you d] think inner dome of heaven had fallen.
the young comedian awful; 1 felt embarrassed him.
if 1 fails, 1 must try harder next time.

when pronoun 1 used in numerical sense, different pronoun can used subsequently referring same entity.

we watched 1 [of ospreys] dried feathers in sun.
one [driver] pulled car on side.

generally, not ideal mix impersonal pronoun 1 pronoun in same sentence.

if 1 fails, he/you must try harder.

null objects

while concept of impersonal verbs closely related phenomenon of null subjects, null objects have lack of obligatory projection of object position.

in french

c est pas lui qui l écrit, son livre, le pape, c est quelqu un qui lui écrit __.
the pope didn t write book himself, writes __ him.

in english

why psychic gifts seem tease __, confuse __ , obstruct __?

null objects can understood implicit anaphoric direct objects, is, referents can understood prior or ongoing discourse context sufficiently salience in context not encoded pronominally, entirely omitted. however, not imperative referent of direct object has been referred explicitly in discourse; instead accessible extra-linguistically due salience interlocutors.

defective verb

an impersonal verb different defective verb in impersonal verb, 1 possible syntactical subject meaningful (either expressed or not), whereas defective verb, choices of subject might not grammatically possible, because verb not have complete conjugation.


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