2008 General elections Nawaz Sharif

sharif called boycott of january 2008 elections because believed poll not fair, given state of emergency imposed musharraf. sharif , pml (n) decided participate in parliamentary elections after 33 opposition groups, including benazir bhutto s pakistan people s party, met in lahore failed reach joint position. elections, campaigned restoration of independent judges removed emergency government decree , musharraf s departure.

bhutto s assassination led postponement of elections 18 february 2008. during elections, both parties, pakistan peoples party in particular, rely on mix of feudal relationships , regional sentiment voting bases – bhuttos in sindh, nawaz sharif in punjab. sharif condemned bhutto s assassination , called gloomiest day in pakistan s history .

between bhutto s assassination , elections, country faced rise in attacks militants. sharif accused musharraf of ordering anti-terror operations have left country drowned in blood. pakistan s government urged opposition leaders refrain holding rallies ahead of elections, citing escalating terrorist threat. sharif s party rejected recommendation, accusing officials of trying block campaign against musharraf since large rallies have traditionally been main way drum support in election campaigns.

on 25 january, musharraf initiated failed four-day visit london use british mediation in pakistani politics reconcile sharif brothers. zardari s pakistan people s party, boosted death of benazir bhutto, , sharif s pakistan muslim league-n dominated elections. ppp received 86 seats 342-seat national assembly; pml-n, 66; , pml-q, backs president pervez musharraf, 40. zardari , sharif later create coalition government ousted musharraf.


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