FCForum Xnet

the fcforum international conference organised xnet , network of other groups , activists. brings organisations , experts in field of free/libre culture , knowledge, aim of creating strategic global framework action , international coordination. takes place annually in barcelona.

the first fcforum held in barcelona october 30 november 1, 2009, coincide 2nd oxcars awards ceremony. principal organisations , active voices in world of free culture , knowledge participated in event. series of working groups @ forum produced unique document known “charter innovation, creativity , access knowledge,” proposes series of reforms spanish intellectual property legislation, telecoms package , other issues related circulation of information , net neutrality. charter sent thousand governments , political , social institutions around world. international bodies such european union committee on culture , education , government of brazil (through department of digital culture) sent official observers forum.

the second fcforum held in barcelona october 28 31, 2010, , focused on new models of sustainability in digital era. 2 documents drafted result of event: “sustainable models creativity , how-to manual sustainable creativity .

the third edition of fcforum held in barcelona on october 28, 29 , 30, 2011, under title ‘networks r-evolution’. day 1 revolved around sustainable models creativity in digital age. day 2 focused on challenges , tools defence of internet, of sharing , of communication, self-organisation , defence tools in context of global revolution.

the 2012 edition held @ ars santa mònica on october 26 , 27.

day 1 explored theme of sustainable models creative sector , day 2 dedicated democracy in digital age.

the 2013 fcforum took place on october 25 , revolved around 4 core themes:

creativity, culture , knowledge: sustainable new models of access , production
data science: potential , limits of big data
networked democracy
electronic money , distributed currency: strengths , weaknesses

the 2014 edition took place in different spaces , dates.

november 4 @ barcelona growth center on network democracy , technopolitics.
november 4, 5 , 6 @ bau design college of barcelona, different workshops , conferences designing tools , relation open knowledge.
november 27, 28 , 29 @ barcelona s center of contemporary culture , influencers, festival non conventional art, communication guerrilla , radical entertainment.

the 2015 edition

under title fighters & makers, seventh edition of fcforum took place on october 30 , 31 , november 2, 2015, in different spaces in barcelona.

on october 30, sala conservas held series of working groups came round following topics:

legislation on copyright , intellectual property. net neutrality.
freedom of expression, freedom of information

on october 31, fcforum moved farinera del clot cultural center, following programme:

press conference journalists , attendees introduce citizen group against corruption
two blocks of conferences focusing on crisis scam , on surveillance, repression, data protection , civil liberties.
another working group on freedom of expression, freedom of information, freedom of action: state of affairs , coordination of struggles in spanish state .
a series of workshops on digital self-defense , right privacy of communications, such right information , freedom of expression specific workshop journalists conducted centre investigative journalism.

november 2 last day, dedicated makers & business models , held @ bau design college of barcelona.


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