Ototoxic and neurotoxic drugs and chemicals Sensorineural hearing loss

some over-the-counter prescription drugs , industrial chemicals ototoxic. exposure these can result in temporary or permanent hearing loss.

some medications cause irreversible damage ear, , limited in use reason. important group aminoglycosides (main member gentamicin). rare mitochondrial mutation, m.1555a>g, can increase individual s susceptibility ototoxic effect of aminoglycosides. long term hydrocodone (vicodin) abuse known cause rapidly progressing sensorineural hearing loss, without vestibular symptoms. methotrexate, chemotherapy agent, known cause hearing loss. in cases hearing loss not recover when drug stopped. paradoxically, methotrexate used in treatment of autoimmune-induced inflammatory hearing loss.

various other medications may reversibly degrade hearing. includes loop diuretics, sildenafil (viagra), high or sustained dosing of nsaids (aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, , various prescription drugs: celecoxib, etc.), quinine, , macrolide antibiotics (erythromycin, etc.).

prolonged or repeated environmental or work-related exposure ototoxic chemicals can result in sensorineural hearing loss. of these chemicals are:

butyl nitrite - chemical used recreationally known poppers
carbon disulfide - solvent used building block in many organic reactions
styrene, industrial chemical precursor of polystyrene, plastic
carbon monoxide, poisonous gas resulting incomplete combustion
heavy metals: tin, lead, manganese, mercury
hexane, industrial solvent , 1 of significant constituents of gasoline
ethylbenzene, industrial solvent used in production of styrene
toluene , xylene, highly poisonous petrochemical solvents. toluene component of high-octane gasolne; xylene used in production of polyester fibers , resins.
trichloroethylene, industrial degreasing solvent
organophosphate pesticides


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