History Galrigs Loch, Ayrshire

1 history

1.1 usage
1.2 cartographic evidence
1.3 drainage


the loch natural feature, post-glacial kettle hole once of substantial extent, fed broomhill burn, rainfall, , field drainage. recorded in placenames of lochend, lochside, , mosside. broomhill burn has been diverted away site remains dominated rushes (juncus species) , constitutes poor quality grazing. loch site still floods in winter. no open outflow present , site shows evidence of drainage in form of rig , furrow.

the lands, variously known gariggis , galriggis , garrix , held william wallace in 1578, later craufurds, , in 1860s known finnie family kilmarnock heavily involved in coal industry.


the site of galrigs loch lay in between dundonald , newfield.

no watermills seem have been associated galrigs loch , ordnance survey maps of mid 19th century show farm of lochend or lochside sitting above old loch s site, approached lane, hedged on both sides, leading down newfield mains. may have been used curling, newfield house had own curling pond, opened on 4 february 1856, site of eglinton jug playdowns. finnie kettle annual curling competition took place @ newfield ..tea kettle modelled curling stone.. challenge cup. competition still takes place @ indoor rink.

at foot of brae below demolished newfield house situated, remains of stone dam , sluice.

cartographic evidence

blaeu s map of 1654, dating timothy pont s survey of circa 1604, shows loch significant body of water, extending towards gar rigs (sic), no inflow , 1 outflow running down dundonald burn , river irvine near shewalton. farm on loch s edge recorded mosside. last map show loch , indicates drainage took place in 18th century. roy s map of 1747 shows no clear loch, habitation recorded lochend present. os maps record farm s name lochside .


although loch s drainage may have begun in 18th century when alexander montgomerie, 10th earl of eglinton, pursuing number of agricultural improvements on extensive estates , other landowners followed example. intensive drainage work may have taken place in 1740s part of improvements undertaken provide employment irish estate workers during irish potato famines of 1740s , mid 19th centuries. many drainage schemes date end of world war when many soldiers returned en masse civilian life.


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