Programming highlights Top Channel

1 programming highlights

1.1 news bulletins , reports
1.2 fiks fare
1.3 shqip
1.4 portokalli

programming highlights
news bulletins , reports

these include daily news political, economical, cultural, , social environment in albania. programs provide information regarding main events occurring in every part of world.

fiks fare

fiks fare criticizing , problem-raising show, through humor , satire denounces negative aspects of life such corruption, fraud, law-breaking high rank officials, human rights violations, country development issues , many other problems. popularity of program , simple language in addressing problematic issues of albanian society has proven significant mean of raising awareness , many times leading solution of evident drawbacks of ongoing transition of country. program broadcast every day of week after main news edition. version of italian format striscia la notizia .


shqip flagship program shown on top channel tv on mondays. one-hour live interview result of detailed research , investigations. program host asks difficult questions , gets behind stories make news in country - political leaders intellectuals , decision-makers facing huge challenges. shqip reports events , interviews on politics development, security , social issues. according survey conducted in 2003 international research & exchanges board, shqip ranked watched tv program of same kind , gained of highest peak audience in country. closed on september 2015.


portokalli weekly night sketch comedy , variety show filmed in tirana in front of live audience. first shown in 31 december 2003. format of show includes stand-up comedy, sketch comedy, , live music, making show similar nbc show saturday night live. portokalli known make fun of everyday problems through humor , satire. makes fun of political figures such sali berisha, edi rama, hashim thaçi, ramush haradinaj , others. portokalli reaches audience of many ages through young , old, , has been criticized on vulgar language used.


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