Cargo Madrague de Giens (shipwreck)

dressel 1b type amphora

key : 1 : rim - 2 : neck - 3 : handle - 4 : shoulder - 5 : belly or body - 6 : foot

the cargo found amongst wreck site indicates wreck @ madrague de giens belongs large roman merchant vessel. ship capable of carrying anywhere between 5800 , 8,000 amphorae, each weighing 50 kilos, freight of 400 tons. 4 layers of wine amphorae, stacked in staggered rows, typical cargo, on final trip, ship holding 3 layers (6,000-6,500 amphorae) reaching 3m high. dressel type 1b, 1.16m [3 ft 10in] high, amphorae narrow pointed bodies , long cylindrical necks made potter publius veveius papus made majority of wine amphorae. potter’s stamps belonging publius veveius papus have been found on these amphorae indicating export terracina, wine-producing area in southern italy, known have had workshop. various other types of amphorae found, may have been on board consumption or alternatively may have been additional cargo.

the ship of madrague de giens carrying 3 layers of amphorae due fact carrying large load of ceramics, placed on top of amphorae. cargo contained black-glazed ceramics (campanian) , coarser kitchen wares. presence of kitchen wares, table wares, , other various objects indicated cabin area near stern of ship.


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