Clubs and membership Quota International

1 clubs , membership

1.1 quotarians

1.1.1 notable quotarians

1.2 quota international club
1.3 silver q quota club
1.4 next gen quota club
1.5 junior quota club

clubs , membership

this name given members of quota international. quotarians located in many countries around world working better communities , serve others. there approximately 5,600 quotarians comprise 270 quota clubs. every 2 years quotarians come international convention share ideas , service projects, vote on changes club leadership , organization, , build fellowship.

notable quotarians

honorable ruth bryan owen - florida s first female representative in u.s. congress , diplomat; elected honorary member in 1934
viscountess nancy astor - first female member of british parliament in house of commons; elected honorary member in 1938
ms. nanette fabray - american actress, dancer, , singer overcame hearing impairment , became advocate rights of deaf , hard-of-hearing; elected honorary member in 1976
ms. edna p. adler - member of rehabilitation services administration of u.s. department of education, researched , developed comprehensive rehabilitation services deaf , hard-of-hearing; elected honorary recognition in 1980

quota international club

these general local clubs associated quota international, known qi clubs. both women , men can join qi clubs around world. each club can generate own goals , service projects women, children, deaf, hard-of-hearing, speech-impaired, , community members in need. qi clubs must apply become legal entities before being granted charter.

silver q quota club

these clubs targeted @ older population of quotarians. q clubs tend focus on short-term , simple acts of service , promoting fellowship among members. many silver q quotarians retired , can devote more time many small service projects community.

next gen quota club

these clubs targeted @ young adults, parents, , professionals. next gen quota clubs tend flexible meet busy schedules of members. these quotarians participate in service projects , programs, act community leaders, , network other like-minded individuals wishing serve community.

junior quota club

these clubs branches of quota international club , targeted @ students in primary , secondary school , college. junior quotarians typically assist supporting quota international clubs in service projects. in addition, junior quota clubs develop own service events improve schools or assist other areas in need.

quota international of dlf city


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