History Steppe Route

1 history

1.1 upper paleolithic
1.2 neolithic
1.3 bronze age
1.4 dynastic ages

upper paleolithic

by end of pliocene tectonic activity had created major mountain ranges , lowlands, including aral , caspian sea basins , sarykamysh depression; primitive syrdarya, zeravshan, amudarya, uzboi, murghab, tedzhen, atrek, , gorgan river systems formed. cyclical climatic changes between pleistocene , holocene epoch produced warmer , less dry climate in greater part of western asia led present-day configuration , ecology of region. first modern humans migrate europe hunter-gatherers, possibly arrived 40,000 bce. then, these hunter-gatherers replaced around 9,000 bce new migrants near east had superior subsistence capacities due knowledge of primitive farming.

the dominant position occupied nomadic communities in ecological niche result of nomadic military , technical superiority , thought have originated in north caucasian steppes 8th century bce. post glacial period marked gradual rise of temperatures peaked in 5th , 4th millennia. these more hospitable conditions provided humans grasslands , more stable food supplies , resulted in sharp increase in numbers. regular collection of wild cereals led empirical breeding , selection of cereals (wheat, barley) cultivated. led domestication of animals (donkeys, asses, horses, sheep, goats predecessors) stockbreeding. although quality , quantity of artifacts varied site site, general impression development of craftsmanship contributed more stable settlements , more precise definition of routes connecting communities each other. aurignacian culture spread through siberia , testimony of presence aurignacian venus found near irkutsk, on upper angara river. traces of magdalenian culture identified in manchouria, siberia , hopei. pastoralism introduced qualitative leap in social development , prepared necessary base creation of ancient semi nomadic civilizations along eurasian steppe route.

the analysis of carbon , nitrogen isotopes of skeletal collagen of same human remains helps classify dietary background , characterize economy of steppe communities. strontium isotope analysis helps identify various faunal , human movements between various regions. oxygen isotope analysis applied reconstruct drinking habits , climatic change impact on populations. combination of these factors aims @ reconstructing more precise picture of living conditions of time. analysis of 1,500 mitochondrial genome lineages helped dating arrival in different regions of europe of human hunter-gatherers later developed knowledge of farming. found in central , south west europe, these traced neolithic. in central , eastern mediterranean, arrival of first human migrants can dated earlier late glacial period.


reclining female : neolithic terracotta, c. 5600 bce (turkey)

the acquaintance food-producing economy in pontocaspian steppe assigned period. transition food-gathering food-producing economy through farming , stock-keeping, led profound social , cultural change. hunting , river fishing have continued play significant role in subsistence, in forest-steppe areas. transition animal husbandry played critical role in history of rise of human society, , significant contributor neolithic revolution . simultaneously, new way of life emerged construction of more comfortable settlements plant , animal domestication, craft activities (resulting in wide use of ornaments) , burial practices, including erection of first burial mounds in eneolithic period (the transition between neolithic , bronze age).

the inner eurasian steppelands occupied, possibly since fourth millennium bce, nomadic communities practicing extensive forms of horse pastoralism, wandering place places. ensured contacts , influence extend on large areas. earliest evidence small horse riding comes sredny stog communities of east ukraine , south russia domestication of bactrian camel date c. 4000 bce. 2 humps heavy load carrier 1 of adaptive animals in world capable withstand temperatures 40 °c -30 °c. recent archeological excavations (2012) dispel notions nomadic societies less developed many sedentary ones. on east of eurasia, agriculture started indo-european communities (tocharians) established in tarīm basin (northwest china) around 4000 bce. on west part of eurasia, writing revolution, dated same epoch originated accounting in primitive way , developed sumerian concern leave messages afterlife. in inner china must represented half of territory of prc i.e. excluding manchuria, mongolia, xinjiang , qinghai-tibet plateau association of loosely connected macro-regions , there have been discoveries of tortoise-shell carvings (e.g. jiahu symbols) dating c. 6200-6600 bce. now, qualify more symbols rather evidence of systematic writing. writing , accounting (calculus) have started independently on various areas of eurasia (mediterranean, sumer , mesopotamia) appears have spread relatively fast alongside route.

bronze age

the transition period bronze age shows varying patterns in different geographical regions of steppe route, however, numerous craft activities involved manufacture of ornaments, instrumental goods , domestic commodities. 6-5th millennium bce (vinča culture, situated in serbia), pontic-caspian steppe can traced homeland of copper production , spread throughout entire steppe zone on 2 millennia. @ beginning of fourth millennium, copper technology introduced in altai region steppe herders. in , middle bronze age (4th–3rd millennia bc), advanced pastoral cultures emerged in circumpontic metallurgical province. appearance of maykop culture in northern caucasus represents significant marking point @ time. bronze age marked abrupt cooling of climate, @ turn of third-second millennium b.c. gave way new temperature rise more favourable farming , herding.

hunting scene, bronze age (kasakhstan)

advanced craftsmanship such metal-smelting , pottery production (painted vessels , terracotta sculpture) found side side large areas covered wasters production of ornaments made of semi precious stones : lapis-lazulis, turquoise, spinel, quartz. economic prosperity led exceptional richness of artistic expression found in smaller forms, particularly in painted ceramics, small carved objects, ornaments inspired wildlife, , funerary gifts. conducive more complex organization of society.

the trades on steppe routes show east asian silk did not come china. neolithic remains (4000-3000 bce) of goguryeo kingdom (korea) showed earthenware silkworm , mulberry leaf patterns , small carvings in rock of silkworms. records of 3 kingdoms noted both confederacies of byeonhan , jinhan (later known silla , gaya kingdoms in korea), “had many mulberry trees , silkworms”, indicating silk produced on korean peninsula known in other countries ancient times. in late 3rd millennium bce, military-oriented stockbreeding communities settled in eastern central asia (sayan-altai, mongolia). nephrite (jade) road materialized, minerals quarried in khotan , yarkand , sold china. models of carts found @ altyn-depe – key chalcolithic , bronze age settlement in turkmenistan, dating late 4th – 3rd millennia bec, earliest known evidence of wheeled transport in region. two-wheeled carts shafts apparently linked yoke provide information on type , construction of carts used agriculturalists of middle east. result, communities more mobile on steppe route , period characterized 2 migration waves moving in opposite directions. steppe semi-nomads associated abashevo-sintashta , later srubnaya-andronovo societies moved eastern europe altai region , further east xinjiang. warring seima-turbino groups migrated central asia towards urals mountains , further west eastern europe settlements.

the end of bronze age on eurasian steppe route shows production , new economic organisation led accumulation of riches number of families , new economic interactions. male leaders became warlords clashing , striking alliances control of best pastures or migrating start may become civilizations.

dynastic ages

by 2000 bce network of steppe routes exchanges started transition “silk road”. middle of millennium, “steppe route” cultures established, , these cultures continued exist until relatively recently. slow moving groups following heavy chariot 4 plain wheels led hunters , fishermen, practised form of productive economy, gradually replaced or enslaved herdsmen steppes , semi-deserts. nomads rode small horses , knew how fight horseback bow distinctive weapon steppe , sword or saber when more affluent. these mobile, energetic , resourceful communities using light war-chariots wheels having diameter 1 meter ten spokes each drawn horses, spread in many different directions. evolution strengthened robust system of vigorous , widespread exchanges within , beyond inner eurasian steppes. , these systems of exchange depended largely on role of intertwined pastoralist communities. resulted in complex pattern of migratory movements, transformations , cultural interactions alongside steppe route. in 2nd millennium bce there major shifts of population on wide area of central asia, , whole picture of ethnocultural development changed.

daggers, iron age (korea)

the various artifacts excavated ancient tombs in gyeongju – capital of silla kingdom (57 bce ~ 935 ad) – indicate there frequent trades between silla , other worlds. roman-style glassware artifacts excavated prove exchange , trade between silla , western world. according writings of roman historian dio cassius, romans saw high-quality silk first time in 53 bce, in form of parthian banners unfurled before roman defeat @ battle of carrhae.

it estimated travel time commercial goods constantinople (istanbul) in turkey reach capital gyeongju of silla kingdom (korea) not exceed 6 months. inter-relation of china steppe route resulted in brilliant progress of chinese civilization in yin (shang 商) dynasty on appearance of 3 major innovations imported eurasian steppe western communities : wheeled transport, horse, , metallurgy.

the existence of eurasian steppe overland artery of shifting network of pathway explains despite great diversity, history of afro-eurasia has preserved underlying unity @ least until end of middle ages. common references had been travelling alongside steppe route can traced mediterranean korean peninsula in similar techniques, styles, cultures, , religions, , disease patterns.


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